Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1027
Signatures of the presbyters and "fathers" (abbates) present at the Thirteenth Council in Toledo (Iberian Peninsula, AD 683).
Signatures of the bishops present at the council. Then follow:
Item abbates.
[49] Absalius abba.
[50] Faustinus abba.
[51] Gerontius abba.
[52] Castorius abba.
[53] Sisebertus abba.
[54] Felix abba.
[56] Vuisandus abba.
[57] Vuisandus primiclerius.
Item uicarii episcoporum.
[58] Pacatus indignus abba agens uicem Suniefredi Narbonensis sedis episcopi haec instituta synodalia ubi interfui subscripsi.
[59] Spasandus archidiaconus agens uicem Cipriani episcopi Terraconensis similiter.
[60] Laulfus diaconus Idali Barcinonensis episcopi similiter.
[61] Gisbertus diaconus Ansemundi episcopi de Loteba similiter.
[62] Fredebadus abba agens uicem Balderedi Caesaraugustani episcopi similiter.
[63] Veremundus abba Clari Elenensis episcopi similiter.
[64] Gratianus presbyter Iohannis Egarensis episcopi similiter.
[65] Sisuldus abba Stephani Carcassensis episcopi similiter.
[66] Audericus presbyter Rogati Biatiensis episcopi similiter.
[67] Secorius abba Gaudilani Impuritani episcopi smiliter.
[68] Stabilius abba Iacobi Gerundensis episcopi similiter.
[69] Baroncellus diaconus Anteri Tirassonensis episcopi similiter.
[70] Calumniosus diaconus Samuelis Malacitani episcopi similiter.
[71] Cixa presbyter Vuisefredi Ausonensis episcopi similiter.
[72] Iohannes abba Regineum Aucensis episcopi similiter.
[73] Felix abba Argebadi Eliberritani episcopi similiter.
[74] Samuel presbyter Felicis Dianiensis episcopi similiter.
[75] Citronius abba Eufrasii Calagurritani episcopi similiter.
[76] Dexter diaconus Primi Agatensis episcopi similiter.
[77] Vincomalus diaconus Attilani episcopi Pampilone similiter.
[78] Audebertus abba Gudiscli Oscensis episcopi similiter.
[79] Leopardus abba Aureli Asturicensis episcopi similiter.
[80] Habitus diaconus Potentini Berecensis episcopi similiter.
[81] Tuentius presbyter Riccalani episcopi Accitani similiter.
[82] Florentinus presbyter Leuberici Orgeliitani episcopi similiter.
[83] Vincentius abba Gaudenti Valeriensis episcopi similiter.
Here follow the signatures of the lay dignitaries.
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 2002: 260-265)
Signatures of the bishops present at the council. Then follow:
The abbots.
[49] Absalius abbot.
[50] Faustinus, abbot.
[51] Gerontius, abbot.
[52] Castorius, abbot.
[53] Sisebertus, abbot.
[54] Felix, abbot.
[56] Vuisandus, abbot.
[57] Vuisandus, primiclerius.
Then the deputies of the bishops.
[58] I, Pacatus, unworthy abba acting on behalf of Suniefredus, bishop of Narbo, sign the acts of this council at which I was present.
[59] I, Spasandus, archdeacon, acting on behalf of Cyprian, bishop of Tarragona, sign as well.
[60] I, Laulfus, deacon, of Idalus, bishop of Barcelona, sign as well.
[61] I, Gisbertus, deacon of Ansemundus, bishop of Loteba, similarly.
[62] I, Fredebadus, abba acting on behalf of Balderedus, bishop of Saragossa, sign as well.
[63] I, Veremundus abba of Clarus, bishop of Elne, sign as well.
[64] I, Gratianus, presbyter of John, bishop of Egara, sign as well.
[65] I, Sisuldus abba of Stephen, bishop of Carcassone, sign as well.
[66] I, Audericus presbyter of Rogatus, bishop of  Baeza, sign as well.
[67] I, Secorius abba of Gaudilanus, bishop of Ampuries, sign as well.
[68] I, Stabilius abba of Jacob, bishop of Gerona, sign as well.
[69] I, Baroncellus deacon of Anterius, bishop of Tirassona, sign as well.
[70] I, Calumniosus, deacon of Samuel, bishop of Malaga, sign as well.
[71] I, Cixa presbyter of Vuisefredus, bishop of Ausona, sign as well.
[72] I, John, abba of Regineus, bishop of Oca, sign as well.
[73] I, Felix abba of Argebadus, bishop of Elvira, sign as well.
[74] I, Samuel, presbyter of Felix, bishop of Diania, sign as well.
[75] I, Citronius abba of Eufrasius, bishop of Calahorra, sign as well.
[76] I, Dexter, deacon of Primus of Agde, sign as well.
[77] I, Vincomalus, deacon of Attilanus, bishop of Pampeluna, sign as well.
[78] I, Audebertus abba of Gudisclus, bishop of Osca, sign as well.
[79] I, Leopardus abba of  Aurelius of Astorga, sign as well.
[80] I, Habitus deacon of Potentinus of Berceo, sign as well.
[81] I, Tuentius presbyter of Riccala, bishop of Acci, sign as well.
[82] I, Florentinus presbyter of Leubericus, bishop of Urgell, sign as well.
[83] I, Vincentius abba of Gaudentius of Valeria, sign as well.
Here follow the signatures of the lay dignitaries.
(trans. M. Szada)


After the signatures of the bishops follow the signatures of the abbates, here most probably the monastic superiors (for comparison see the signatures of the Eleventh Council of Toledo in 675 in which abbots are identified by their monastery). On the other hand, abbates named among the deputies of the absent bishops were probably members of the diocesan clergy (see canon 11 of the council of Merida in 666 [817] which puts abbates between presbyters and deacons in the clerical hierarchy). We do not know whether clerics with the title of abbas always had a presbyterial ordination, but it is very probable in the light of canon 3 of the Eleventh Council of Toledo in 675 AD [857] which mentions abbates who celebrate the Divine Office and the mass. It is possible that abbas was a title of a cleric in charge of a basilica (cf. the study of the "abbots of the basilicas" in sixth-century Gaul by Pietri 1983). Bishko 1941 acknowledge the difference between abbots present at the council at their own and those who were representatives of the bishops. He assumes, however, that both these groups belonged to the monastic milieu; he proposes that bishops from distant dioceses were asking the abbots of the monasteries from Toledo and its close proximity to represent them at the council, but there is no decisive argument backing his claim. It is, however, accepted by Orlandis 1986. For other cases of abbates representing the absent bishops see [541], [810], [1026].

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Gaul
  • Toledo
  • Saragossa
  • Elne
  • Egara
  • Baeza
  • Ampurias
  • Gerona
  • Ausona
  • Elvira
  • Huesca
  • Calahorra
  • Astorga
  • Acci
  • Valeria
  • Auca
  • Narbonne
  • Carcassonne

About the source:

Title: Concilium Toletanum XIII a. 683, Concilium XIII Toletanum a. 683, Thirteenth Council of Toledo in 683 AD
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Thirteenth Council of Toledo took place on 4 November 683 during the reign of King Ervig and was presided over by Bishop Julian of Toledo. Forty-eight bishops were present, nine abbots, twenty-six representatives of the absent bishops and twenty-six lay dignitaries. The council focused mainly on the political issues concerning kingdom and dynasty, and it was less concerned with strictly ecclesiastical legislation (Collin 2004: 104-107).
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez eds., La colección canónica Hispana, Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. Serie canónica 6, Madrid 2002.
C.J. Bishko, "Spanish abbots and the Visigothic Councils of Toledo”, [in :] Humanistic Studies in honor of John Calvin Metcalf, Charlottesville 1941, 139–50 (reprinted in: C.J. Bishko, Spanish and Portugese Monastic History 600–1300, Aldershot 1984).
R. Collins, Visigothic Spain, 409–711, Oxford 2004.
J. Orlandis, "Abades y concilios en la Hispania visigotica," in Los Visigodos, historia y civilizacion. Actas de la Semana Internacional de Estudios Visigóticos (Madrid –  Toledo – Alcala de Henares, 21–25 octubre de 1985), Antiguedad y Cristianismo. Monografias historicas sobre la antiguedad tardia III, Murcia 1986, 221–33
L. Pietri, "Les abbés de basilique dans la Gaule du VIe siècle," Revue d’histoire de l’Église de France 69 (1983), 5–28.
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1027,