A young man called John refuses to marry and joins Valerius in his hermitage on a mountain in Bierzo. They are attacked by robbers and separated. John goes back to the hermitage on the mountain, whereas Valerius is led forth to another place by the faithful who have helped him. Afterwards John is ordained a presbyter [782] and receives a disciple (conversus
), Saturninus. A few years later, Saturninus leaves John and goes to the hermitage of Valerius.
9. Now, on a certain rock lying below the monastery, since the blessed Fructuosus used to pray there and in the same place a wooden cross stood fixed as a memorial, brother Saturninus began to think longingly that on this spot should be built a little memorial oratory according to our poor resources. When he told me of his thought, I began to disagree with him because the place was not suitable and because there were no resources at hand to do it. Suddenly on the same day as sleep overtook me, Divine Love let it be clearly revealed to me that it was his will that this should be done, and that his strenght would quickly bring this work to completion. As soon as the Lord's will was known concerning the work of my hands, and Divine Providence ordained to grant it to me, many assisting workmen were hired through the munificent bounty of good Christians, through whom, with the assisting power of the Lord, it was finished. Although in that same place there was no level surface, but only hazard of a huge peak of stone towering sheer above, they attacked the rock and easily split it asunder. And in that place in the name of the Holy Cross, and of St. Pantaleon and other holy martyrs, a temple was constructed, dedicated to the Lord, and although it was just a modest little structure, yet it was great in its preeminent power. It was consecrated with all care to the Lord by the man of God, the most reverend bishop Aurelius. At the same time with the power of the Lord he ordained Saturninus, the designer of this building, a presbyter. As he day by day offered sacrifices to the Lord there, some signs of gracious hearing were manifested to him, a few of which I shall set forth in brief account as they come to mind.
There follows the story of the miracles of the presbyter Saturninus (see [784], [785], [786], [789]).
(ed. C.M. Aherne 1949: 134, 136)