The project is led by Robert Wiśniewski, who will also prepare, in close collaboration with Stanisław Adamiak, a postdoctoral research, a monograph on the presbyters in the late antique West. The evidence is collected and inputted into the database by Stanisław (Africa, Italy) and two research assistants, Jerzy Szafranowski (Gaul, Britain, Danubian provinces) and Marta Szada (Spain, Italy). Both Marta and Jerzy have also their own doctoral projects. Marta works on the intra-Christian conversion, and Jerzy on the ordained monks.

Robert Wiśniewski
Robert Wiśniewski is an associate professor at the University of Warsaw. His research is focused on the religious history of Late Antiquity and more specifically on the early Christian divination, the cult of saints, and the western clergy.

Stanisław Adamiak
Stanisław Adamiak is a presbyter of the diocese of Toruń. He received his doctoral degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University and is currently a post-doc at the University of Warsaw. His previous research has been primarily focused on the Church in Roman and Byzantine North Africa.

Marta Szada
Marta Szada is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Warsaw. She holds master degrees in classics (for her thesis on Basil of Caesarea’s ‘Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature’) and in history (for her thesis on the models of royal and feminine sanctity in the Merovingian hagiography). Her research interests include the history of Christian spirituality, the cult of saints, hagiography, the history of the Church in the barbarian kingdoms and the thought of the Cappadocian Fathers.

Jerzy Szafranowski
Jerzy Szafranowski is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Warsaw. In his MA thesis in history he investigated the role of emotions in the Vita Sancti Geraldi. He is currently preparing his PhD thesis on monastic clergy in Late Antiquity. His academic interests include monasticism, the cult of saints, and Christian spirituality, with a particular emphasis on apocalypticism and philosophy of history in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages.

Ernest Frankowski
Ernest Frankowski is a history student at the University of Warsaw. He is also a computer technician and is responsible for IT aspects of the works (website, data collecting tool, database search engine) within the Presbyters in the Late Antique West project.