53. Symmachus. [...]
He was ordained on the same day in rivalry with Lawrence; Symmachus in the Constantinian basilica, and Lawrence in the basilica of the Blessed Mary. Because of it the clergy were separated and the senate was divided: some were with Symmachus, and some with Lawrence. […] After four years, some members of the clergy and some others of the senate, especially Festus and Probinus, driven by envy, accused Symmachus. […] So Symmachus was reintegrated to the Apostolic See by all the bishops and presbyters and deacons and all the clergy, and the people, and he sat as the prelate at St Peter's with glory. At that time exconsul Festus, the head of the senate, and Probinus, exconsul, started to fight inside the city of Rome with other senators, and especially with exconsul Faustus. The jealousy caused many deaths and homicides among the clergy. […] And he [Festus] killed even many priests, among them Dignissimus and Gordianus, the presbyters of Saint Peter in Chains (San Pietro in Vincoli) and of St John and Peter, who were killed with cudgels and sword; similarly many Christians, so it was not safe for the clergy to walk in the city either by day, or by night.
(trans. S. Adamiak)