Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2412
Paulinus, a presbyter in Tiburnia (Noricum), visits the monk Severinus in his cell in Batavis. Severinus prophesies to him that he will become bishop of Tiburnia and this prediction is fulfilled; between 454-82. Eugippius, Life of Severinus, written in Castellum Lucullanum near Naples in Italy, AD 511.
21. (1) Paulinus quidam presbyter ad sanctum Seuerinum fama eius latius excurrente peruenerat. Hic in consortio beati uiri diebus aliquot remoratus, cum redire uellet audiuit ab eo: "festina, uenerabilis presbyter, quia cito dilectionem tuam, populorum desideriis, ut credimus, obluctantem, dignitas episcopatus, ornabit." (2) Moxque remeante ad patriam sermo in eo praedicentis impletus est. Nam ciues Tiburniae, quae est metropolis Norici, coegerunt praedictum uirum summi sacerdotii suscipere principatum.
(ed. Régerat 1991: 236)
21. (1) Paulinus, a presbyter, had come to St. Severinus, attracted by his spreading fame. Having stayed some days in the company of the blessed man, and wishing to go home, he was told by him: "Hurry, venerable presbyter, for soon, my beloved friend, will you be adorned by the dignity of episcopal rank, much as the will of the people - so we believe - may be against your wish." (2) Paulinus had hardly come home when the words of the prophet concerning him were fulfilled. For the citizens of Tiburnia, which is the metropole of Noricum, forced the said man to accept the eminency of being their high priest.
(trans. L. Bieler 1965: 78; summary M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Danubian provinces and Illyricum
  • Batavis
  • Tiburnia

About the source:

Author: Eugippius
Title: Life of Severinus, Life of saint Severinus, Vita Severini, Commemoratorium
Origin: Castellum Lucullanum (Italy south of Rome and Sicily)Naples (Italy south of Rome and Sicily),
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Eugippius was originally from Noricum, where he was a monk in the monastery founded by Severinus (died 482). He left Noricum in 488 with other monks and the body of Severinus as part of the evacuation to Italy ordered by Odoacer. They settled in Castellum Lucullanum near Naples, a Roman villa offered to them by the noblewoman Barbaria. In 511, Eugippius wrote the "Life of Severinus." He also composed an anthology of excerpts from the works of Augustine, dedicated to the virgin Proba of the powerful Roman family, the gens Anicia, see [2047]. He also maintained relations with the Roman clergy (as evidenced by his familiarity with Paschasius) and with the African clerics exiled by the Vandals.
The Life can be safely dated to 511, because in the letter to the deacon Paschasius that accompanies the Life, Eugippius mentions that the year of Inportunus' consulship (509) was two years ago, see [2401] and [2402].
Eugippius was still alive in 532 when he corresponded with Ferrandus of Carthage [...].
Ph. Régerat (ed.), Eugippe, Vie de saint Séverin, Paris 1991 (Sources Chrétiennes 337)
English translation:
Eugippius, Life of St. Severin, trans. L. Bieler, The Fathers of the Church, Washington D.C. 1965


Travel and change of residence
Further ecclesiastical career - Bishop
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Reverenced by
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Devotion - Supernatural experience
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2412,