Tract 6 = Letter 100 in Coll. Avell.
Letter against Andromachus
First, Gelasius criticises those who are fast to accuse and judge others without investigating the matter.
2. Truly, because they accuse us of being sluggish in judging the faults that should be curbed in the church, let them also suitably learn from us that there is not only a sin of carnal adultery which should be both examined and duly punished, but there is a kind of forncation and adultery that is far worse, which in any Christian (because every Christian is a member of the church) should be suitably avenged. For the severity of the crime of sacrilege is more serious to the extent that the fornication of the soul is worse than that of the body: for through the fornication of the soul one departs from union with God himself and passes over to impure spirits by a kind of spiritual adultery [cf. 1 Cor 6: 16-17].
A person who is involved in the "cult of the god of February" (i.e. the Lupercalia) is guilty of idolatry and therefore is guilty of something worse than a person accused of carnal fornication. Such person is disquilified to judge others.
6. [...] Do you who accuse adulterers yourself commit adultery and, being a spiritual adulterer, reproach those who commit adultery in the flesh? Yes, you, a man who is scrupulous, of proper age, religious, are demanding a judgement. You do not want someone to sin in the church, you wish the sinner to be examined and incur a fitting punishment: whatever you allege about another, you are forced to apply to yourself as well. For you do this lest accusations be made about the pontiff's negligence, lest the church be blemished. Therefore, there should be no care and severity lacking on the part of the pontiff regarding all acts of wrongdoing, and in all things as well the good name of the church should be cleared.
7. But you may perhaps say you are a layperson, he is a minister of the church, and with that purpose you make his crime more serious. You are telling the truth and I cannot deny it myself: he should be examined with more care the closer he is, and he is the more culpable in that he was appointed to the ministry, and should not in the least have committed these crimes. Look, there is no lack of due severity: he will be heard and, if he is proven guilty, he will be sentenced fittingly to punishment. Come now, what do you want for yourself? Is it that because you are not among the sacred ministry you are among the holy people? Are you ignorant of the fact that you are a member of the supreme pontiff? Are you ignorant of the fact that the entire church is called a priesthood [cf. 1 Pet 2:5]?
8. Ultimately, if the one who, after advancing to the ministry of the church, commits a fault is guilty, are you too not guilty, who after professing the truth return to debased and perverted and pagan and devilish images, which you have declared you have renounced?
In the rest of the text, Gelasius inveighs against the celebrations of the Lupercalia and proves that they are pagan rites which should not be done by Christians.
(trans. Neil and Allen 2014: 211-221)