Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 179
Bishop Montanus of Toledo (Iberian Peninsula) forbids the presbyters of Palencia (Iberian Peninsula) to consecrate chrism. The letter added to the canons of the Second Council of Toledo in AD 527.
Dominis dilectissimis fratribus filiisque territorii Palentini Montanus episcopus in Domino aeternam salutem. [...]
Montanus quotes the prophet Ezekiel (Ez. 33:6-8) to justify the admonition he wants to give.
Hac ergo uoce permotus, huius officii necessitudinem me suscepisse non nesciens, studere curaui ne cuiusquam perditi animam de manu mea Christus inquirat, praesertim cum Toletanae urbi metropolitanum priuilegium uetus consuetudo tradiderit et eo magis non solum parrociarum, sed et urbium cura huius urbis sollicitet sacerdotem. Ergo, ut Apostolus dicit, 'quid horum uultis?: in uirga ueniam ad uos, an in caritate et spiritu mansuetudinis?' Noua namque praesumptio praesidentium uobis presbyterorum nostros pulsauit auditus, si tamen noua tantum et non detestabilis dici possit, quae ab initio fidei catholicae nunquam praeter nunc subrepsisse probatur, ut id quod per manus summi pontificis trinae diuinitatis inuocatio sanctificare consueuit, presbyter ignarus disciplinae conficere sibi chrisma praesumeret. Hoc si ignauiae est, tam demens sacerdos esse non debuit; si praesumptionis est, hunc schismaticum esse quis nesciat qui inauditam rem et religioni contrariam senescenti iam mundo talis temerator inducat?
Montanus mentions  the seventy elders rendered prophets from the Book of Numbers (11:25) as a model of the priestly office. Then he gives the biblical examples of the sacral usurpation (Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10); Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Numbers 16); King Ozias (2 Chronicles 26: 16-20); the man killed for touching the ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:7).
An forsitan sanctorum Patrum regulas et constitutiones synodicas ignoratis quibus praecipiuntur ut parrocienses presbyteri non per uiliores personas, sed aut per semetipsos aut per rectores sacrariorum annuis uicibus chrisma a praesidente sibi episcopo petant? Credo quod qui petere iusserunt, potestatem consecrandi penitus abstulerunt. Prouidebit ergo caritas uestra ne post huius humilitatis nostrae interdictum, donec et consuetus uobis a Domino praeparatur antistes, quisquis uetita iterare praesumat et incipiat grauiorem ecclesiasticae districtionis sustinere censuram. Vtatur quisquis honoris sui concesso priuilegio, quod proprium scit ordinis presbyterii; non quod summi pontificatus est, improbus minister assumat. Quisquis post hanc admonitionem in huiuscemodi rebus aliquatenus fuerit deprehensus, sub anathematis insolubili uinculo se nouerit esse damnandum. Cui in hoc ipsud non parum humanitatis conceditur, quod nunc eum transire patimur impunitum. Sane si Dominus uoluerit, cum tempus paschalis festiuitatis aduenerit, si uobis ad petendum impossibile est, datis litteris uestris indicare debebitis et nos sacri huius liquoris ultro poterimus transmittere gratiam, dummodo non praesumantur illicita. [...]
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 1984: 356-358, 360-361)
Eternal greetings in the Lord to the most beloved lords, brothers and sons from the territory of Palencia, Montanus the Bishop.
Montanus quotes the prophet Ezekiel (Ez. 33:6-8) to justify the admonition he wants to give.
Moved by this voice, and not being an ignorant person, I cared to undertake the obligation of this office, so that Christ will not require from my hand someone's lost soul, especially because the old custom granted to the city of Toledo the metropolitan privilege. All the more so as the priest of this city cares not only about dioceses but also about [specific] cities. Thus, as the Apostle said: 'What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?' [1 Cor 4:21] For, the new audacity of the presbyters presiding over you came to our ears. I wish I could call only new, and not detestable, this practice which has never grown out from the beginning of the Catholic faith, that a presbyter ignorant of discipline dares to prepare for himself the chrism which is normally consecrated with the invocation of the Trinity by the hands of the Supreme Pontiff. If this is a result of sloth, the priest should not be so foolish. But if it is a result of audacity, who does not know that it is schismatic, who is so great a violator to introduce to the world grown old this thing unheard of and contrary to religion?
Montanus mentions  the seventy elders rendered prophets from the Book of Numbers (11:25) as a model of the priestly office. Then he gives the biblical examples of the sacral usurpation (Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10); Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Numbers 16); King Ozias (2 Chronicles 26: 16-20); the man killed for touching the ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:7)).
Maybe you do not know the rules of the holy fathers or the synodical constitutions in which it is prescribed that the diocesan presbyters should every year ask their bishop for the chrism either personally, or through the rectors of the churches (rectores sacrariorum), but not through persons of vile status? I believe that those who ordered this request completely banished the ability to consecrate the chrism by presbyters. Therefore until the Lord provides you with a regular bishop your love will take care that no one after the interdict of our humility dare to repeat what is forbidden and those who do, should be punished by a serious ecclesiastical punishment. Whoever uses the privilege of the honour given to him, which he knows to be proper to the order of presbyters, shall not assume as an impious minister what belongs to the office of Supreme Pontiff. Whoever after this admonition is caught doing in any way those things, let him know he should be condemned by the insoluble bond of anathema. For the time being out of our great kindness we suffer him to go unpunished. Certainly if it is impossible by the will of the Lord for you to request the chrism at the time of Easter, you should mention this in the letter and we on our part can transmit a grace of this sacred fluid provided that nothing forbidden is undertaken. [...]
(trans. M. Szada)


Montanus of Toledo clearly reprimands the clergy of Palencia as a metropolitan bishop. Palencia was already a bishopric, but according to the text (donec et consuetus vobis a Domino praeparatur antistes) it was vacant when Montanus wrote his letter.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Toledo
  • Palencia

About the source:

Author: Montanus of Toledo
Title: Letters, Epistulae
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The two letters of Montanus of Toledo, one to the clergy of Palencia (or more specifically to the presbyters, as their authority and responsibilities are mainly discussed), the other to a certain Toribus, are annexed to the canons of the Second Council of Toledo 527 or 531 (on the dating see discussion in record [177]) in the canonical collection Hispana compiled in the 7th c. They are not dated and their only connection to the canons is their author, because Montanus of Toledo presided at the council (Martin 2006: 9).
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez, eds., La colección canónica Hispana, v. 4 Concilios Galos. Concilios Hispanos: primera parte, Madrid 1984.
J. Vives, Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos, Barcelona-Madrid 1963.
A. Isla Ferez, ''Desde el reino visigodo y la ortodoxia toledana: la correspondencia de Montano,'' Studia Historica. Historia Medieval 18-19 (2000), 41-52.
C. Martin, ''Las cartas de Montano y la autonomía episcopal de la Hispania septentrional en el siglo VI,'' Hispania Antiqua 22 (1998), 403-426.
C. Martin, ''Montanus et les schismatiques : la reprise en main d’une périphérie hispanique au début du vie siècle,'' Médièvales 51 (2006), 9-20.


Education - Insufficient education
    Writing activity - Correspondence
      Functions within the Church - Parish presbyter
        Functions within the Church - Urban presbyter
          Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
            Usurping episcopal power
              Ritual activity - Blessing of oil
                Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
                  Described by a title - Minister/λειτουργός/ὑπηρέτης
                    Administration of justice - Excommunication/Anathema
                      Ecclesiastical administration
                        Devotion - Reading the Bible and devotional literature
                          Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER179,