Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1563
Thirty-three presbyters attend and sign the acts of the Diocesan Synod of Auxerre (Gaul, AD 561/605, most probably 585/592).
Vnacharius in Dei nomine episcopus constitutionem hanc subscripsit.
Vinobaudus abba subscripsit.
Vigilius presbyter subscripsit.
Gregorius presbyter subscripsit.
Aprouius diaconus.
Claudius presbyter subscripsit.
Baudouius abba subscripsit.
Francolus abba subscripsit.
Anianus presbyter subscripsit.
Cesarius abba subscripsit.
Saupaudus presbyter subscripsit.
Audouius presbyter subscripsit.
Teudulfus presbyter subscripsit.
Roricius presbyter subscripsit.
Niobaudis presbyter subscripsit.
Antonius presbyter subscripsit.
Seuardus presbyter subscripsit.
Addo presbyter subscripsit.
Audouius presbyter subscripsit.
Sindulfus presbyter subscripsit.
Vinobaudis presbyter subscripsit.
Medardus presbyter subscripsit.
Badericus presbyter subscripsit.
Syagrius presbyter subscripsit.
Friobaudis presbyter subscripsit.
Eominus presbyter subscripsit.
Illadius presbyter subscripsit.
Theodomodus presbyter subscripsit.
Launouius presbyter subscripsit.
Leonastis presbyter subscripsit.
Desideratus abba subscripsit.
Barbario diaconus in uicem subscripsit.
Amandus abba subscripsit.
Leudegisilus diaconus in uicem Medardo presbytero.
Tegredius abba subscripsit.
Eunius presbyter subscripsit.
Filmatius presbyter subscripsit.
Nonnouius presbyter subscripsit.
Ballomeris presbyter subscripsit.
Romacharius presbyter subscripsit.
Medardus presbyter subscripsit.
Audila presbyter subscripsit.
Genulfus presbyter subscripsit.
Sagrius presbyter subscripsit.
(ed. de Clercq 1963: 271-272)
I, Bishop in the name of God Vnacharius [Aunacharius], have signed this decree.
I, Abba Vinobaudus have signed.
I, Presbyter Vigilius have signed.
I, Presbyter Gregorius have signed.
I, Deacon Aprouius [have signed].
I, Presbyter Claudius have signed.
I, Abba Baudouius have signed.
I, Abba Francolus have signed.
I, Presbyter Anianus have signed.
I, Abba Cesarius have signed.
I, Presbyter Saupaudus have signed.
I, Presbyter Audouius have signed.
I, Presbyter Teudulfus have signed.
I, Presbyter Roricius have signed.
I, Presbyter Niobaudis have signed.
I, Presbyter Antonius have signed.
I, Presbyter Seuardus have signed.
I, Presbyter Addo have signed.
I, Presbyter Audouius have signed.
I, Presbyter Sindulfus have signed.
I, Presbyter Vinobaudis have signed.
I, Presbyter Medardus have signed.
I, Presbyter Badericus have signed.
I, Presbyter Syagrius have signed.
I, Presbyter Friobaudis have signed.
I, Presbyter Eominus have signed.
I, Presbyter Illadius have signed.
I, Presbyter Theodomodus have signed.
I, Presbyter Launouius have signed.
I, Presbyter Leonastis have signed.
I, Abba Desideratus have signed.
I, Deacon Barbario have signed as a representative.
I, Abba Amandus have signed.
I, Deacon Leudegisilus [have signed] as a representative of Presbyter Medardus.
I, Abba Tegredius have signed.
I, Presbyter Eunius have signed.
I, Presbyter Filmatius have signed.
I, Presbyter Nonnouius have signed.
I, Presbyter Ballomeris have signed.
I, Presbyter Romacharius have signed.
I, Presbyter Medardus have signed.
I, Presbyter Audila have signed.
I, Presbyter Genulfus have signed.
I, Presbyter Sagrius have signed.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)


In de Clercq's edition, the text reads:
Leudegisilus diaconus in uicem.
Medardo presbytero.
Thus, de Clercq treats them as two separate entries and signatures, and seems to believe that Medardus was also present at the synod. Gaudemet follows this interpretation and translates Medardo Presbytero as "Médard, prêtre" (p. 505). Prosopographie Chrétienne suggests that Medardus attended the proceedings, but signed them through the help of Deacon Leudegisilus for unknown reasons (most probably Medardus was handicapé or illetré; see PCBE Gaule 2: Medardus 3). Hence, both de Clercq, Gaudemet, and PCBE claim that the synod was attended by 34 presbyters.
In my opinion, the most likely explanation is that Medardus was absent from the council, to which he sent as his representative one of his deacons, Leudegisilus. My argument is built on the following premises:
1. There is another deacon, Barbario, who signed the acts as a representative.
2. Canon 6 of this synod (see [1562]) decrees that in case of presbyter's sickness he should send a deacon to act in his stead.
3. Medardo presbytero is clearly in dative or ablative, and not in nominative. (Albeit, in vicem should be followed by genitive...)
4. Leudegisilus signed the acts for Medardus almost certainly because he was from the same parish. It seems, however, that only one person from a single parish attended the synod, or at least that only one person from the parish signed the acts. In my view, all deacons signing the decree act as the representatives of their respective parishes.

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Auxerre

About the source:

Title: Diocesan Synod of Auxerre, Synodus Dioecesana Autissiodorensis
Origin: Auxerre (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The acts of the Diocesan Synod of Auxerre are unique, as no other evidence from the Merovingian diocesan councils has been preserved. This synod was called by Bishop Aunacharius of Auxerre. Traditionally, the only dates given for this council were those of the Aunacharius pontificate, which lasted from 561 to 605. It was pointed out, however, that several canons from Auxerre refer to the Second Council of Mâcon of 585, and, thus, the Synod of Auxerre gathered most probably after that year. In canon 44, the decree upholds the law of the unknown ruling king: most probably this is a reference to King Guntram, who died in 592. Hence, the Synod was held before that date (see, PCBE Gaule I: Aunacharius). As a diocesan council, this gathering was attended by only one bishop but thirty-three presbyters, seven abbots, and three deacons. It is not surprising, therefore, that many canons concern the presbyters, deacons, and lower clergy.
C. de Clercq ed., Concilia Galliae a. 511-a. 695, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148 A, Turnhout 1963.
J. Gaudemet, B. Basdevant, Les canons des conciles mérovingiens VIe-VIIe siècles, Sources chrétiennes 353, Paris 1989.