The canon shows what liturgical functions were a disputed area between presbyters and bishops. These are: reconciliation, "puellarum consecratio", meaning the consecration of virgins, and "crisma", or more precisely "crismatis confectio", which is probably related not to any primitive form of confirmation, but to the very act of consecrating the oil of chrisma, which was used later, e.g. in baptism. One of the bishops says explicitly that these activities were still performed by presbyters, despite previous prohibitions, and he asks for punishment to be established for such infringements. Other bishops agree with him as to the rule, but they do not reach any decision about possible sanctions.
See, however, the next canon from the same council [158], which allows presbyters to reconcile penitents if the bishop is absent and consents to it.
We do not know where the see of Bishop Numidius was.