Dialogue 1.21.1-5
"But when I reflect upon these things, our own unfaithfulness and weakness present themselves. For who is there among us, if offered respect by one of the humble poor or praised by the silly and fawning words, is not immediately swollen with pride, is not at once puffed up with vanity? Even if he is not familiar with sanctity, nevertheless, because he is said to be a saint, either through the adulation of the foolish or perhaps erroneously, he will believe himself to be extremely holy. And then if large amounts of money are sent to him, he will assert that he is being honored by the munificence of God, when it is simply mundane gifts that are being conferred upon him while he is asleep. But if even in the most modest way some signs of some virtue were to attend him, he would believe himself to be angel.
Should a man undistinguished in either work or virtue be ordained a cleric, he will immediately widen the fringes of his robes, rejoice in the greetings of others, become swollen up by those who come to meet with him, and will hurry around everywhere. Having been previously accustomed to travel on foot or by donkey, the proud cleric is now carried by foaming horses; once content to live in an insignificant cell, he now erects lofty paneled ceilings, builds many rooms, carves doorways, and paints bookcases. He rejects crude clothing and desires a soft tunic. He demands these be assigned to dear widows and household virgins, so that the former are to weave a stiff hood while the latter produce a flowing cloak.
But let us leave these things to be described more bitingly by that blessed man Jerome; I will return to my theme."
"But I do not think that you," said my Gallus, "have left anything for Jerome to dispute; you have covered all of our practices in your short summary, with the result that these few words of yours, if they are received with equanimity and pondered patiently, will greatly aid their readers, so that in the future they will no longer need the books of Jerome to coerce them.
(trans. Goodrich 2015: 204-205, changed by J. Szafranowski)