Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 948
Canon 9 of the Twelfth Council in Toledo (Iberian Peninsula, AD 681) confirms the anti-Jewish laws issued by King Ervig the previous year.
Canon 9
De confirmatione legum quae in Iudaeorum nequitiam promulgatae sunt.
The canon lists the titles of the laws issued by King Ervig in the codification Lex Visigothorum. Among them there are laws concerning priests (cf. Zeumer 1902: 527-428).
Item ne Iudaei ex propinquitate sui sanguinis conubia ducant et ut sine benedictione sacerdotis nubere non audeant.= Lex. Vis. XII.3.8 [632]
Item ut Iudaeus ex aliis prouinciis uel territoriis ad regni nostri dicionem pertinentibus ueniens episcopo loci uel sacerdoti se praesentare non differat, uel quid huic in toto obseruari conueniat. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.20 [635]
Item qualiter concursus Iudaeorum diebus institutis ad episcopum fieri debeat. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.21 [636]
Item ut quicumque Iudaeum secum obsequentem habuerit, expetente sacerdote eum apud se retinere non audeat. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.22 [637]
Item ut cura omnis distringendi Iudaeos solis sacerdotibus debeatur. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.23 [646]
Item de damnis sacerdotum uel iudicum qui in Iudaeis instituta legum adimplere distulerint. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.24 [648]
Item ne iudices quicquam de perfidorum excessibus extra sacerdotum coniuentiam iudicare praesumant. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.25 [606]
Item ut episcopi tunc inmunes habeantur a damnis cum eorum presbyteres ea quae ipsi non correxerint, ad eos non remiserint corrigenda. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.26 [553]
Item de reseruata principibus miserendi potestate in his qui conuersi ad fidem Christi ueraciter fuerint. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.27 [649]
Item ut episcopi omnes Iudeis ad se pertinentibus libellum hunc de suis editum erroribus tradant, et ut professiones eorum uel conditiones in scriniis ecclesie condant. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.28 [652]
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 2002: 175-179)
Canon 9
On the confirmation of the laws that have been promulgated against the wickedness of the Jews
The canon lists the titles of the laws issued by King Ervig that precede the laws in the codification Lex Visigothorum. Among them there are laws concerning priests (cf. Zeumer 1902: 527-428).
Also that a Jew shall not marry a person nearly related to him by blood, or contract marriage without the benediction of a priest.  = Lex. Vis. XII.3.8 [632]
Also that a Jew who comes from another country into any of the provinces of our kingdom must at once present himself before a bishop, priest, or judge,  and what shall be done under the circumstances. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.20 [635]
Also how assemblies of Jews shall visit the bishop on appointed days. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.21 [636]
Also that anyone who has a Jew in his service, and a priest demands him, shall not have the right to retain the said Jew. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.22 [637]
Also that all right of restraining Jews shall belong to the priests. = Lex. Vis. XII.3.23 [646]
Also concerning the penalties to be imposed upon priests and judges who neglect to enforce the laws against the Jews.  = Lex.Vis. XII.3.24 [648]
Let no judge presume to investigate the offences of the perfidious without the knowledge of priests = Lex. Vis. XII.3.25 [606]
Also that bishops will not be considered guilty if their presbyters did not inform them about the things that shall be corrected and which  they had not corrected themselves. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.26 [553]
Also concerning the mercy to be shown by the rulers towards those who have been truly converted to the Christian faith.  = Lex.Vis. XII.3.27 [649]
Bishops shall give to all Jews a copy of this book, which has been published for the purpose of correcting  their errors; and their confessions and a record of their conversion shall be deposited among the archives of the Church. = Lex.Vis. XII.3.28 [652]
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Toledo

About the source:

Title: Concilium Toletanum XII a. 681, Concilium XII Toletanum a. 681, Twelfth Council of Toledo in 681 AD
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Twelfth Council of Toledo gathered on 9 January 681, after the reign of King Wamba came to an end. The senior bishop at the council was Julian of Seville, and the bishop of Toledo was at the time Julian of Toledo (the author of Historia Wambae). The preface of the acts of the council relates the end of Wamba`s rule, his illness, and the penance he received on his deathbed. He survived, but, as a penitent, he could not continue to be a king; thus the new kingdom passed to Ervig, whose rule the council confirmed. Since the circumstances of Ervig`s ascent to power were at least suspicious, Ervig issued a document, (a tomus) to assert his version of the facts related above that was appended to the acts of the council (Thompson 1960: 229–231). The council also confirmed the anti-Jewish legislation added by Ervig to the Lex Visigothorum (there are 28 of them, many concern priests and presbyters; see [553], [555], [606], [632], [635], [636], [637], [646], [648], [649], [652]), see Collins 2004: 234-235.
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez eds., La colección canónica Hispana, Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. Serie canónica 6, Madrid 2002.
R. Collins, Visigothic Spain, 409-711, Oxford 2004.
E.A. Thompson, The Goths in Spain, Oxford 1969.


Public law - Ecclesiastical
    Public law - Secular
      Relation with - Jew
        Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER948,