Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1484
Asellus, presbyter in Berceo (Iberian Peninsula), attends St Aemilian, monk and former presbyter, on his deathbed and later buries him in the oratory in Berceo, AD 574 (?). Braulio, bishop of Saragossa, the "Life of St Aemilian", written ca AD 631–45.
[XXVIII. His death and burial]
[34] Sane adpropinquante mortis tempore accersiuit sanctissimum Asellum presbyterum, cum quo habebat collegium, in cuius praesentia felicissima illa anima, corpore soluta, caelo est reddita. Tum, eius beatissimi studio, corpus eius deportatus cum multo religiosorum obsequio, depositum est, ubi et manet, in suo oratorio. [...]
(ed. Vazquez de Parga 1943: 34-35)
[XXVIII. His death and burial]
34. Now when the time of his death was approaching, he summoned the most holy presbyter Asellus who had been his colleague and in whose presence his most fortunate soul was freed from the body and retumed to heaven. Then, through the care of that most blessed man, his body was carried with great devotion being paid it by the devout and laid where it remains to this day in his oratory. [...]
(trans. A.T. Fear 1997: 40, slightly altered)


Aemilian was ordained a presbyter, and he served in the church of Berceo until his removal by Bishop Didymus of Tarazona (see [510], [513]). He, nevertheless, remained in Berceo, which is why the hagiographer here calls Asellus, his successor in the office, a colleague of Aemilian.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • San Millán de la Cogolla
  • Parpalines

About the source:

Author: Braulio of Saragossa
Title: Life of St Aemilian, Vita sancti Aemiliani, Life of saint Emilian, Life of saint Aemilian, Life of saint Aemilianus
Origin: Saragossa (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Life of St Aemilian (ob. AD 574) was written by Braulio, bishop of Saragossa, somewhere between  AD 631 (his elevation to the episcopacy and the death of Bishop John of Saragossa) and AD 645 (the elevation to the episcopacy of Eugene II of Toledo, who is mentioned in the dedicatory letter as being still a deacon; see Fear 1997: xxvi). The life was intended to be read during the celebration of mass in honour of St Aemilian (breuem conscripsi, ut possit in missae eius celebritate quantocius legi, ed. Vazquez de Parga 1943: 5).
L. Vazquez de Parga ed., Sancti Braulionis Caesaraugustani episcopi Vita s. Emiliani, Madrid 1943
A.T. Fear, Lives of the Visigothic fathers, Liverpool 1997
M. Szada, E02685, Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity database, record last modified 30.10.2018, consulted on 27 May 2019


Burial/Funerary inscription
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Fame of sanctity
Ritual activity - Burying the dead
Reverenced by
Relation with - Another presbyter
Pastoral activity - Visiting the sick
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1484,