Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1380
Eleven presbyters and one abbot sign the acts of the Fourth Council of Orléans (Gaul, AD 541) on behalf of their absent bishops.
[Series subscriptionum ex codicibus KTIN:]
Preceding are the signatures of forty-two bishops.
Amphilocius abba directus a domno meo Amelio episcopo de Parisius subscripsi.
Thoribius presbyter directus a domno meo Pappolo episcopo ciuitatis Genauensis subscripsi.
Ausonius presbyter missus a domno meo Eusebio episcopo Santonicae ciuitatis subscripsi.
Kierius presbyter directus a domno meo Lupicino episcopo ciuitatis Eculinensis subscripsi.
Gratianensis presbyter missus a domno meo Disiderio episcopo ciuitatis Foroiuliensis subscripsi.
Benenatus presbyter missus a domno meo Claudio episcopo ciuitatis Glannatine subscripsi.
Minutalis presbyter missus a domno meo Sustracio episcopo ciuitatis Cadurcis subscripsi.
Theudorus presbyter missus a domno meo Leucadio episco po ciuitatis Baiocassinae subscripsi.
Scupilio presbyter directus a domno meo Lautone episcopo Constansiae ecclesiae subscripsi.
Baudardus presbyter missus a domno meo Perpetuo episco po Abrincatene ecclesiae subscripsi.
Edebius presbyter missus a domno meo Theudobaudo episcopo Lixiuine ecclesiae subscripsi.
(ed. de Clercq 1963: 144-145)
[Lists of subscriptions from the codices KTIN:]
Preceding are the signatures of forty-two bishops.
I, Abbot Amphilocius, ordered by my Lord Amelius, bishop of Paris, have signed.
I, Presbyter Thoribius, ordered by my Lord Pappolus, bishop of Genève, have signed.
I, Presbyter Ausonius, sent by my Lord Eusebius, bishop of Saintes, have signed.
I, Presbyter Kierius, ordered by my Lord Lupicinus, bishop of Angoulême, have signed.
I, Presbyter Gratianensis, sent by my Lord Disiderius, bishop of Fréjus, have signed.
I, Presbyter Benenatus, sent by my Lord Claudius, bishop of Glandèves, have signed.
I, Presbyter Minutalis, sent by my Lord Sustracius, bishop of Cahors, have signed.
I, Presbyter Theudorus, sent by my Lord Leucadius, bishop of Bayeux, have signed.
I, Presbyter Scupilio, directed by my Lord Lauto, bishop of Coutances, have signed.
I, Presbyter Baudardus, sent by my Lord Perpetuus, bishop of Avranches, have signed.
I, Presbyter Edebius, sent by my Lord Theudobaudus, bishop of Lisieux, have signed.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)


Several arguments can be made that abba Amphilocius from Paris was indeed a presbyter:
a) One of the canons of this council addresses abbots from both the monasteries and parishes. Afterwards it refers collectively to abbates vel presbyteri (c. 11, [1348]);
b) The signature of Abbot Amphilocius is positioned immediately after those of the bishops and before those by the presbyters. It seems, therefore, that his rank was at least equal to that of the presbyters.
Hence, there are three possibilities:
a) Amphilocius was an abbot at a monastery, but he also held the rank of a presbyter;
b) abba is used here as a honorific title - Amphilocius was reverenced in such a way, that fellow Christians called him abba - "father";
c) Amphilocius was an important presbyter - he was, for example, in charge of an important basilica, martyrium, etc.
For further discussion on abbots-presbyters, see discussion in [810].
Presbyter Baudardes from Avranches also signed (as Baudastes) the acts of the third council of Orléans (AD 538) [1331].

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Orléans
  • Angoulême
  • Paris
  • Genève
  • Saintes
  • Fréjus
  • Glandèves
  • Cahors
  • Bayeux
  • Coutances
  • Avranches
  • Lisieux

About the source:

Title: The Fourth Council of Orléans, Concilium Aurelianense anno 541
Origin: Orléans (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
This council, convened on 14 May 541 in Orléans, was quite numerous: it gathered five metropolitans (of Bourges, Bordeaux, Eauze, Rouen, and Tours), thirty-seven other bishops, and, representing their bishops, eleven presbyters and one abbot. It is impossible to establish which king was or kings were mainly responsible for this synod. This is the first council of the Frankish Church which was attended by the bishops from the metropolitan province of Arles. Ceasarius of Arles himself was unable to come (he was 71 at the time), but thirteen bishops of his province were present.
C. de Clercq ed., Concilia Galliae a. 511-a. 695, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148 A, Turnhout 1963.
J. Gaudemet, B. Basdevant, Les canons des conciles mérovingiens VIe-VIIe siècles, Sources chrétiennes 353, Paris 1989.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Described by a title - Abba
Ecclesiastical administration - Participation in councils and ecclesiastical courts
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1380,