Here begin the confessions and the judicial record of the martyrs, Saturninus the presbyter, Dativus, Felix, Ampelius, and the others named below. They confessed the Lord under Anulinus, then proconsul of Africa, on the day before the Ides of February [12 February], on charges regarding assembly and the scriptures of the Lord; and, in diverse places and at various times, they poured out their most blessed blood.
2. In the times of Diocletian and Maximian ‘the devil waged war against the Christians’ by ordering to burn the holy books, destroy the basilicas, and prevent the Christians from praying together. Some Christians betrayed the faith, but many resisted, and paid with blood for it.
Some Christians were arrested in Abitina, while they were celebrating the sacraments on Sunday. These were: Saturninus, his four children: Saturninus Jr. and Felix, the lectors, Maria, the consecrated virgin, and the child Hilarianus, and the others: Dativus (a senator), Felix, another Felix, Emeritus, Ampelius, Rogatianus, Quintus, Maximus, Telica, Rogatianus, Rogatus, Januarius, Cassianus, Victorianus, Vincentius, Cecelianus, Restituta, Prima, Eva, Rogatianus, Giualius, Rogatus, Pomponia, Secunda, Januaria, Saturnina, Martinus, Clautus, Felix, the elder Margarita, Honorata, Regiola, Victorinus, Pelusius, Faustus, Datianus, Matrona, Cecilia, Victoria, Hecretina, and Januaria.
Presbyter Saturninus is surrounded by his numerous children.
3. The arrested are conducted to the forum of Abitina.
4. They are enchained and conducted to Carthage where they are consigned (?) to the proconsul Anulinus.
5-6. The proconsul questions and tortures the martyrs.
6. In response to such a prayer the proconsul asked, “Who is the leader of your congregation?” To the executioner now attacking more fiercely he responded loudly, “Saturninus the presbyter and all of us.” O martyr, giving primacy to all! He does not give the presbyter priority over the sisters and brothers but he joins them to the presbyter in the fellowship of their confession. That is why he pointed to Saturninus when the proconsul asked. He did not do it to single out the person whom he saw fighting equally with him against the devil, but to explain fully that he celebrated in the assembly with them as their presbyter. (…)
(trans. M. Tilley; summary by S. Adamiak)