Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 86
Funerary inscription of Satyrius, presbyter probably in Mértola (Iberian Peninsula) died in AD 489.
[column, arch, column / under the arch alpha, chrismo, omega] / Satyrio pr(es)b(ite)r minis/travit in pr[e]sbiterio /ann(os) XIII recessit in / pace Domini n(ostr)i (Ies)u (Christi)i / d(ie) VI n(onas) Martias / era DXXVII memb/ra requiescet / (alpha crux omega)
(Jiménez Cano, Hispania Epigraphica 27851)
[column, arch, column / under the arch alpha, crismon, omega] Satyrius Presbyter served in presbyterial office for 13 years, passed away in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ on the 6th day before the Nones of March [March 2] in the year 527 of the era. His body will rest (alpha cross omega).
(trans. M. Szada)


The date on the inscription is given according to a Spanish Era, which begun in 38 BC.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Mértola

About the source:

Origin: Mértola (Iberian Peninsula)
The text is inscribed on the marble slab which is now kept in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia in Lisbon (Portugal), inv. no. E-6510.
Jiménez Cano, Hispania Epigraphica 27851
Hispania Epigraphica, vol. 15 (2009), n. 466
E.W.E. Hübner, Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae, Berlin 1871, n. 312
J. Vives, Inscripciones cristianas de la España romana y visigoda, Barcelona 1942, n. 87


Burial/Funerary inscription
Functions within the Church - Urban presbyter
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER86,