Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 72
An anonymous presbyter in Lyon (Gaul) is ministering at the tomb of Saint Nicetius, distributing contact relics among the faithful, ca 590. Account of Gregory of Tours, "Life of the Fathers", Tours (Gaul), ca 590.
Deacon Agiulf returns from his visit in Rome to Lyon.
Vidit inmensum catervatim populum ad eius sepulchrum ac velut felicium examina apium ad consuetum alveare confluere, et alios, presbitero qui aderat ministrante, particulas caerae pro benedictione sumere, alios parumper pulveris, nonnullos disruptas ab operturio eius fimbrias capere et abire, ferentes in disparibus causis unam gratiam sanitatis.
(ed. Krusch 1885: 246)
Deacon Agiulf returns from his visit in Rome to Lyon.
He [Agiulf] saw an immense crowd of people near the tomb, buzzing around like a swarm of happy bees around their familiar hive, some taking from the presbyter in attendance pieces of wax as holy objects, others a little dust, and others plucked and went away with a few threads from the fringe of the tomb-covering, all thus carrying off for different purposes the same grace of health.
Deacon Agiulf himself takes from the hands of the presbyter some of the herbs which the faithful placed on the tomb.
(trans. James 1991: 56-57, slightly altered by J. Szafranowski)


Deacon Agiulf was in Rome in 590, where he witnessed the papal ordination of Gregory the Great, and was likely coming back to Gaul shortly after. See also [1933].

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Lyon

About the source:

Author: Gregory of Tours
Title: Life of the Fathers, Vita Patrum, Liber Vitae Patrum
Origin: Tours (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Gregory of Tours (bishop of Tours in Gaul in 573-594) started writing his Life of the Fathers some time before 587 and finished it around 592 or slightly later, as shown by the cross-references to his other works.  It is a collection of twenty Gallic saints` lives of different lengths. They all are in some way connected to Gregory`s family or church interests, while also exemplifying different virtues leading to sanctity. Saints presented in the Life of the Fathers are all either ascetics or bishops.
More on the text: James 1991: ix-xxv.
B. Krusch ed., Gregorii Episcopi Turonensis Miracula et Opera Minora, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum 1.2, Hannover 1885, 211-294.
Gregory of Tours, Life of the Fathers, trans. E. James, Liverpool 1991.


Functions within the Church - Cathedral presbyter
Functions within the Church - Urban presbyter
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Relation with - Deacon
Relation with - Townsman
Devotion - Veneration of saints and relics
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER72,