Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 680
Leporius is a monk who later becomes a presbyter. He begins to follow Pelagian doctrine. Admonished by "Gallic doctors" and corrected by bishop Augustine in Hippo (North Africa), he writes a book retracting from all heretical theses. Account in the "Lives of Illustrious Men" by Gennadius of Marseille, writing in Marseille (Gaul), ca AD 490.
LEPORIUS adhuc monachus, post presbyter, praesumens de puritate vitae quam arbitrio tantum et conatu proprio, non Dei se adiutorio obtinuisse credebat, Pelagianum dogma coeperat sequi.
Sed a Gallicanis doctoribus admonitus, et in Africa per Augustinum adeo emendatus, scripsit emendationis suae libellum, in quo et satisfacit de errore et gratias agit de emendatione; simul et quod de incarnatione Christi male senserat corrigens catholicam sententiam tulit dicens manentibus in Christo in sua substantia duabus naturis unam credi Filii Dei personam.
(ed. E. Cushing Richardson 1896)
Leporius, formerly monk and afterwards presbyter, relying on purity, through his own free will and unaided effort, instead of depending on the help of God, began to follow the Pelagian doctrine.
However, having been admonished by Gallic doctors and corrected by Augustine in Africa, he wrote a book containing his retraction, in which he both acknowledges his error and expresses gratitude for his correction. Likewise, correcting his false view of the incarnation of Christ, he presented the Catholic view, acknowledging the single person of the Son of God, and the two natures existing in Christ in his substance.
(trans. by E. Cushing Richardson, changed by J. Szafranowski)


It seems that Leporius was first admonished by "Gallic doctors" in Gaul and then traveled (ordered by his superiors?) to Africa to meet with Augustine. His identification with the presbyter Leporius mentioned in the sermons of Augustine [215] is uncertain.

Place of event:

  • Latin North Africa
  • Gaul
  • Hippo Regius
  • Marseille

About the source:

Author: Gennadius of Marseille
Title: De viris illustribus, Lives of Illustrious Men, De viris inlustribus, On the lives of famous men On the Lives of Famous Men
Origin: Marseille (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The "Lives of Illustrious Men" by Gennadius of Marseille is the continuation of Jerome`s work bearing the same title. It contains 99 additional additional entries on different famous ecclesiestatics. It was written in the end of 5th century. At one point Gennadius writes that the death of presbyter and monk Theodore (Theodulus) of Coelesyria  occured `three years ago, in the reign of Zeno` (died AD 491). Gennadius also knows that pope Gelasius died (AD 496) and Julianus Pomerius is considered alive (d. AD 498). Therefore, Gennadius composed majority of his work most probably in the first half of the 490s.
E. Cushing Richardson ed., Hieronymus liber De viris inlustribus; Gennadius liber De viris inlustribus, Leipzig 1896, 57-97.


Travel and change of residence
Religious grouping (other than Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian) - Pelagian
Change of denomination
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Writing activity
Education - Theological interest
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER680,