Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 679
Canon 6 of the Second Council of Seville (Iberian Peninsula, AD 619) forbids bishops to remove a presbyter or a deacon without a conciliar trial.
Canon 6
De presbyteris vel diaconibus ab uno episcopo non deponendis.
Sexta actione conperimus Fragitanum, Cordobensis ecclesiae presbyterem, a pontifice suo iniuste olim deiectum et innocentem exilio condemnatum, quem rursus ordini suo restituentes id denuo adversus praesumptionem nostram decrevimus, ut iuxta priscorum patrum synodalem sententiam nullus nostrum sine concilii examine deiciendum quemlibet presbyterem vel diaconum audeat; nam multi sunt qui indiscussis potestate tyrannica non auctoritate canonica damnat, et sicut nonullos gratiae favore sublimant ita quosdam odio invidiaque permoti humiliant et ad levem opinionis auram condemnant, quorum crimen non adprobant. Episcopus enim presbyteris ac ministris solus honorem dare potest, auferre solus non potest. Si enim hii qui in saeculo a dominis suis honorem libertatis adepti sunt in servitutis nexu non revolvuntur nisi publice apud praetores tribunali foro fuerint accusati, quanto magis hii qui divinis altaribus consecrati honore ecclesiastico decorantur? Qui profecto nec ab uno damnari nec uno iudicante poterunt honoris suis privilegiis exui, sed praesentati synodali iudicio, quod canon de illis praeceperit, definiri.
(ed. Vives 1963: 166-167)
Canon 6
That presbyters and deacons cannot be deposed by only one bishop
In the sixth proceeding we have learnt about Fragitanus, presbyter of the Church of Cordoba, who had been unjustly ejected and condemned to exile, though he was innocent. Now we restore him to his office and we also decree against our abuses that according to the synodal sentence of the ancient fathers none of us will dare to remove a presbyter or a deacon without a conciliar trial. Because many [bishops] condemn without trial, not by the authority of the canons but by tyrannical power. Some people they elevate by the favour of grace, some others they humiliate, moved by hatred and envy. Based on slight whiffs of rumours they condemned those whose crime they have not proved. One bishop alone can give an honour to presbyters and ministers, but alone he cannot take it away. If then those who in the secular world have obtained an honour of liberty from their masters, cannot be brought back to servitude unless they are publicly accused before praetors in the tribunal, how much more so those who, having been consecrated to the divine altars, are decorated by ecclesiastical honour? They cannot be condemned by one person or deprived of their honour by the verdict of one person, but the synodal judgement will define what the canons order in their case.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Seville
  • Cabra

About the source:

Title: Second Council of Seville 619 AD, Concilium Hispalense a. 619, Concilium Spalense a. 619, Concilium II Hispalense, Concilium II Spalense, Concilium Hispalense secundum, Concilium Spalense secundum
Origin: Seville (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Second Xouncil of Seville was a provincial gathering held in the Jerusalem Church on 13 November 619 during the reign of King Sisebut. It was presided over by Isidore of Seville, and eight of his suffragans were present.
J. Vives, Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos, Barcelona-Madrid 1963.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Participation in councils and ecclesiastical courts
Public law - Ecclesiastical
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
Administration of justice - Demotion
Administration of justice - Exile
Equal prerogatives of presbyters and deacons
    Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER679,