Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 651
Canon 5 of the Eighth Council of Toledo (Iberian Peninsula, AD 653) forbids clerics to live with women.
Canon 5
Quintae actionis impulsu peruenit ad totius concilii sacrum auditum quosdam sacerdotes et ministros, obliuiscentes Maiorum ueteribus constitutis, aut uxorum aut quarumcumque feminarum se immunda societate et exsecrabili contagione turpari, pessimi cordis obstinatione tam sacris litteris quam Patrum regulis obuiantes, nec leui quidem respiramine memoriae commendantes quod scriptum est: 'Sancti estote, quoniam et ego sanctus sum, dicit Dominus'. Et illud Apostolicum: 'Mortificate membra uestra quae sunt super terram, id est fornicationem et immunditiam, concupiscentiam malam et auaritiam'. Quibus quanto est pertinacior usus in malis, tanto austerioribus conuenit obuiare decretis. Propter quod flagitii dedecus specialiter hoc a sancto concilio definitur, ut omnes episcopi id ipsum in suis quaerere sollicite curent, et cum hoc uerissime reperire potuerint, omnes placiti cautione tali distringant ut nusquam ulterius tam abominanda committant. Mulieres uero, seu liberae sint seu ancillae, hac illis turpitudine sociatae, ita omnismodis separentur aut certe uendantur ut ulterius ad consocios sui criminis reuertendi omnem habeant aditum denegatum. Illi uero si omnino coerceri nequiuerint, usque ad exitum uitae suae monasteriis deputati paenitentiae disciplinis maneant omnino subiecti.
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 1992: 416-418)
Canon 5
In the fifth session of proceedings it came to the knowledge of the whole council that some priests and ministers having forgotten the decrees of the ancient Fathers defiled themselves with unclean relationships and detestable contact with some women. They ignored with obstinacy of wicked heart the Holy Scriptures and the rules of the Fathers, and they did not have even the slightest memory of what is written: "Be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God" [Lev 20:7]. And of these apostolic words: "Mortify  your members which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, evil concupiscence, and covetousness" [Col 3:5]. The more obstinate they are in their sins, the more they happen to overstep the severe rules. Because of this disgraceful offence it is specially decreed by the holy council that all the bishops will make a thorough enquiry among their own clergy, and if they find the accusation true, they will discipline everybody with the obligation of this decree so that the clerics commit these abominable deeds no more. And women, whether they are free or not, joined with them in this turpitude, shall be completely separated from them and even sold so that they have blocked every way to go back to their partners in crime. Those, however, who will not want to comply, shall be subjected to the discipline of penance in monasteries to the end of their life.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Toledo

About the source:

Title: Eighth Council of Toledo, Concilium Toletanum octavum a. 653, Concilium VIII Toletanum, Concilium Toletanum VIII
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Eighth Council of Toledo assembled in December AD 653 at the very beginning of the sole reign of king Reccesvinth (653-672), shortly after the suppression of the revolt of Froia. It was attended by four metropolitan bishops (Toledo, Merida, Seville, and Braga) and forty-eight other bishops, as well as abbots, representatives of absent bishops, and many lay palatine office-holders (comites and duces). The representation of the latter seemed to be "more overt than on any previous occasion" (Collins 2004: 86). At the Eighth Council of Toledo, they confirmed the ecclesiastical regulations with their signatures for the first time. Collins (2004: 86-89) interpreted that generally the legislation of the council reflected a reaction against the previous reign - that of King Chindasvinth, and the excesses of royal power (see especially canon 2, which revoked Chindasvinth`s laws against traitors). For more details see also (Orlandis, Ramos-Lisson 1981: 201-214).
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez eds., La colección canónica Hispana, Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. Serie canónica 5, Madrid 1992.
R. Collins, Visigothic Spain, 409-711, Oxford, OX, UK; Malden, MA, USA 2004.
J. Orlandis, D. Ramos-Lissón, Die Synoden auf der Iberischen Halbinsel bis zum Einbruch des Islam (711), Paderborn 1981.


Family life - Concubinage
    Family life - Unspecified permanent relationship
      Family life - Permanent relationship after ordination
        Sexual life - Sexual activity
          Sexual life - Extramarital
            Described by a title - Sacerdos/ἱερεύς
              Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
                Relation with - Woman
                  Described by a title - Minister/λειτουργός/ὑπηρέτης
                    Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
                      Monastic or common life
                        Administration of justice - Imprisonment
                          Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER651,