Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 599
Presbyter Julian, once a monk in the monastery in Nono (unknown location in the southern Iberian Peninsula, probably near Cádiz) tells a story of its foundation by Fructuosus, who was possibly already a presbyter, in approximately the middle of the 7th century. Ps.-Valerius of Bierzo, "Life of Saint Fructuosus", ca AD 670/680.
14. […] Quumque praefatam suffragante domino Gaditanam ingressus fuisset insulam, ex alia quasi sol oriens iluminaturus Spaniam, aedificauit sanctam ope domini monasterium solitaque cenobialis ritu regulare eum instruit exercitii rudimenta. Denique in abdita uastaque et a mundana habitatione remota solitudine praecipuum et mirae magnitudinis egregium fundauit cum dei iubamine cenobium (eo quod ab ora maris nouem millibus distet, ei nomen edidit Nono). Sicut a religioso uiro Iuliano presbitero, qui in eodem cenobio adoleuit ex paruulo, fideli relatione cognoui, breuiter intimabo. Tanti gloriosissimi et incomparabilis uiri rutilo fulgore radians exempla meritorum ita ardore fidei accendit animos populorum ut cateruatim undique concurrens agmina conuersorum inmensus fieret chorus. Nisi et duces exercitus prouinciae illius uel circumseptus undique confinibus regi clamassent ut aliquantum proiberetur,—quia si fas fuerit permissionis non esset qui in expeditione publica proficisceretur—innumerabilis se debuit congregare exercitus monacorum; […].
(ed. Díaz y Díaz 1974: 104, 106)
14. [...] When with the Lord's aid he reached the island of Cádiz that we have mentioned, he built, with the Lord's help, a holy monastery on that part of it opposite to where the Eastern sun casts its light upon Spain, and created for it through his customary monastic rule the basis of a spiritual life. Finally, in a vast, hidden wilderness far from human habitation he founded with God's aid a glorious and outstanding religious house of remarkable size (which is called Nono as it is nine miles distant from the sea's shore). I shall briefly relate a tale which I learned from the reliable testimony of that devout man, Julian the presbyter, who grew up in this monastery from his youth. The example of goodness of that most glorious and incomparable man shining forth with gleaming splendour so kindled the spirits of the people with love of the faith that the columns of converts coming in hordes from all over the land formed a vast chorus. And had not the dukes of the army of that province and the surrounding regions cried out to the king that there should be some restraints imposed - for if no bounds to permission to become a monk had been set, there would have been no one to fight in the army - a countless army of monks would have gathered together. [...]
(trans. A.T. Fear 1997: 134-135)


On the discussion on the monastic foundations of the Life of Saint Fructuosus see López Quiroga 2002.
For the summary of the Life see Szada, CSLA E04066.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Cádiz

About the source:

Title: Life of Saint Fructuosus of Braga, Life of Fructuosus, Vita Fructuosi
Origin: Iberian Peninsula
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
First editor of the text of the Vita Fructuosi Prudencio de Sandoval proposed to identify its author with Valerius of Bierzo, a Galician monk known mainly from his autobiographical writings Ordo quaerimoniae, Replicatio, and Residuum. This authorship was accepted by many scholars to the 20th century, but eventually, employing internal evidence, its modern editor, M.C. Díaz y Díaz refutedit (1974: 15-20). The date of composition is not certain; M.C. Díaz y Díaz proposed the 670s.
We know from the correspondence of Fructuosus with Braulio that at some point (certainly from 651 onwards) he was a presbyter, but it is not mentioned in his Vita. The story about the monastery certainly predates Fructuosus`s episcopal ordination in 656, but we do not know if Fructuosus was at the time already a presbyter. We also do not know whether Fructuosus and Julian were presbyters in the same time. For further discussion on Fructuosus`s career see [155].
M.C. Díaz y Díaz ed., La Vida de San Fructuoso de Braga, Braga 1974
A.T. Fear, Lives of the Visigothic fathers, Liverpool 1997
J. López Quiroga, "Actividad monástica y acción política en Fructuoso de Braga," Hispania Sacra 54 (2002), 7-22.
M. Szada,


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Described by a title - Titles of respect
Reverenced by
Relation with - Another presbyter
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER599,