Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 476
Canon 3 of the Second Council of Barcelona (Iberian Peninsula, AD 599) forbids lay people from taking an episcopal office.
Canon 3
Hunc etiam innovandum custodiendumve in omnibus sancta statuit synodus, ut secundum priscorum canonum constituta vel synodalium epistolas praes[u]lun praemonentes, nulli deinceps laicorum liceat ad ecclesiasticos ordines praetermissas canonum prefixa tempora aut per sacra regalia aut per consensionem cleri vel plebis vel per electionem asse[n]sionemque pontificum ad summum sacerdotium adspirare vel provehi, set cum per canonum conscripta tempora ecclesiasticos per ordinem spirituali opere desudando, probatae vitae adminiculo comitante conscenderit grados, ad summum sacerdotium, si dignitati vita responderit, au[c]tore domino provehatur: ita tamen aut duobus aut tribus quos consensus cleri et plebis selegerit a iudicio eiusque quoepiscopis praesentatis, quem sors praeeunte episcoporum ieiunio, Christo domino terminante monstraverit, benedictio consecrationis adcumulet; aliter deinceps, quod absit praesumptum, et ordinatores et ordinato[s] proprii honoris deposito subsequatur.
(ed. Vives 1963: 159-160)
Canon 3
The holy council decreed that it should be generally renovated and observed that following the admonitions of the ancient consitutions of the canons and letters of synodal fathers, no layman from now is allowed to aspire or to be exalted to the high priesthood (summum sacerdotium) having ignored the periods of time fixed by the canons, either by the royal appointment (per sacra regalia) or by the consent of the clergy and people, or by the election and assent of pontiffs. But only having sweated in the spiritual effort for the time fixed in the canons in a regular ascent through the ecclesiastical grades can one be elevated by the will of God to the high priesthood, if his life conforms with the dignity. Two or three who are selected by the clergy and people shall be presented to the judgement of the metropolitan bishop and his fellow-bishops. Then, after the bishops have fasted, the lots shall be cast on the candidates and one will be indicated by the decision of Christ the Lord. He [who was indicated by lot] shall gain the blessing of consecration. If an election is performed in a different manner (which shall not happen), those who ordained and those who were ordained shall be demoted from their honour.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Barcelona

About the source:

Title: The Second Council of Barcelona 599 AD, Concilium Barcinonense secundum a. 599
Origin: Barcelona (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Second Council of Barcelona was held in November AD 599 during the reign of King Reccared (586-601) in the province of Tarragona under the presidency of the metropolitan bishops of this province Asiaticus.
J. Vives ed., Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos, Barcelona-Madrid 1963


Further ecclesiastical career - Bishop
    Ecclesiastical administration - Election of Church authorities
      Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER476,