Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 444
Canon 38 of the Fourth Council of Toledo (Iberian Peninsula, AD 633) orders bishops to help materially benefactors of the Church and their families.
[Titulus in recensione Iuliana] XXXVIII Praebendum est a sacerdotibus uitae solacium indigentibus et maxime his quibus restituenda uicissitudo est.
[Titulus in recensione Vulgata] XXXVIII De suffragio fundatoribus ecclesiarum uel filiis eorum ex rebus ab ipsis collatis impertiendo.
Canon 38
Praebendum est a sacerdotibus uitae solacium indigentibus et maxime his quibus restituenda uicissitudo est. Quicumque ergo fidelium de facultatibus suis ecclesiae aliquid deuotione propria contulerunt, si forte ipsi aut filii eorum redacti fuerint ad inopiam, ab eadem ecclesia suffragium uitae pro temporis usu percipiant. Si enim clericis uel monachis seu peregrinis aut quamlibet necessitatem sustinentibus pro solo religionis intuitu in usu res ecclesiasticae largiuntur, quanto magis his consulendum est quibus retributione iusta debetur.  
(eds. Martinez Diez, Rodriguez 1992: 166, 174, 218)
[Title in the recension Iuliana] XXXVIII Priests shall give solace to the poor and especially to those to whom it is due as a recompense
[Title in the recension Vulgata] XXXVIII On the support that shall be bestowed to the funders of churches and their children from the things conferred by them.
Canon 38
Priests shall give solace to the poor and especially to those to whom it is due as a recompense. If someone of the faithful give something of his property to a church because of piety, and later he or his children fall into poverty, they shall get from this church material help for a temporal use. Because if the ecclesiastical property is bestowed for the use of clerics, monks or pilgrims or other people in need only because of piety, how much more it shall be done toward those whom the just recompense is due.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Toledo

About the source:

Title: Fourth Council of Toledo (633), IV Council of Toledo, IV Concilium Toletanum, IIII Concilium Toletanum, Concilium Toletanum quartum a. 633
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Fourth Council of Toledo was a council of the whole Visigothic church (86 bishops were present) gathered by King Sisenand (631-636)  in 633 and held under the presidency of Isidore of Seville. It is sometimes claimed on stylistic grounds that Isidore was an author of the decrees (Collins 2004: 79).
The acts of the Fourth Council of Toledo are transmitted in the 7th-century canonical collection from Spain, the so-called Hispana. Its authorship has been attributed to the Isidore of Seville (it is still accepted by Martinez Diez 1966; other scholars reject this attribution: Munier 1966; Gaudemet 1967: 122-124; Schaferdiek 1967: 144-148; Landau 1968: 406-418). This collection has several recensions: a primitive one, the so-called Isidoriana, lost today; the Juliana recension edited after 681 and attributed to the Julian of Toledo, that adds to the previous recension the acts and canons of the councils from the Fifth Council of Toledo do the Twelfth (in 681); the Vulgata recension edited between 694 and 702 that adds the acts and canons of the councils from the the Thirteenth Council of Toledo up to the Seventeenth held in 694, this recension was the most widespread during the Middle Ages (more bibliography see Kéry 1999: 61-67). The two recensions Iuliana and Vulgata give different titles to the canons of the Fourth Council of Toledo (Martinez Diez 1992: 17-20).
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez eds., La colección canónica Hispana, Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. Serie canónica 5, Madrid 1992.
R. Collins, Visigothic Spain, 409-711, Oxford, OX, UK; Malden, MA, USA 2004.
J. Gaudemet, review of: "G. Martinez Diez, La coleccion canonica Hispana 1", Revue historique de droit français et étranger 4e ser.  45 (1967), 122-124.
L. Kéry, Canonical collections of the early Middle Ages (ca. 400-1140): a bibliographical guide to the manuscripts and literature, Washington, D.C 1999.
P. Landau, review of: "G. Martinez Diez, La coleccion canonica Hispana 1", Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte Kanonistische Abteilung 54 (1968), 406-414.
G. Martínez Díez, La Colección canónica Hispana, vol. 1 Estudio, Madrid 1966.
C. Munier, "Saint Isidore de Séville est-il l’auteur de I’Hispana chronologique?", Sacris Erudiri 17 (1966), 230-241.
K. Schaferdiek, review of: "G. Martinez Diez, La coleccion canonica Hispana 1", Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 78 (1967), 144-148.
M. Sotomayor, "Las relaciones iglesia urbana-iglesia rural en los concilios hispano-romanos y visigodos", Sacralidad y Arqueologia, Antig. Crist. (Murcia) 21 (2004), 525-539.


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