Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 288
record image
Funerary inscription of Macedonius, presbyter probably in Grado (Iberian Peninsula), ob. ca AD 400.
Macedonio pr(es)b(ytero) / c(arissimo) b(enemerenti) coniugi / suo Maria / [sepulcr]um / ad[ornavit(?)]
(Vidal Madruga, Hispania Epigraphica Online Database no. 14471)
Maria adorned the tomb of her dearest and well-deserving spouse Macedonius presbyter.
(trans. by M. Szada)


There was a discussion how to properly explain the abbreviation "c.b.". First editor proposed coniunx bona (Del Arco 1919), E. Diehl, however, suggested carissimo benemerenti, and this reading has been widely accepted.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Grado

About the source:

Origin: Grado (Iberian Peninsula)
The tomb of Macedonius was covered with a concrete slab decorated with a mosaic (dimensions 92.5 x 238.5 x 19 cm). Below the inscription the mosaic represents the Good Shepard. It was found in the graveyard of the villa excavated in Coscojuela de Fantova, and the choice of "private" burial outside the church context is worth noting (see Bowes 2008: 184). The mosaic was damaged in the process of excavation in 1919. Its current state is a result of the restoration in 1968. it is currently held in the Museum in Huesca.
The inscription of Macedonius, as well as other Christian funeral inscriptions from this place, is dated to the end of 4th c. on the basis of the numismatic evidence (Beltrán Lloris 2004, 49). For the more detailed description and bibliography see (Caballero 2000, 261).
Jose Vidal Madruga ed., Hispania Epigraphica Online Database 14471
M.N. Caballero, "Barb(otum?). Una ciudad romana en el somontano pirenaico", Saldvie: Estudios de prehistoria y arquelogia 1 (2000), 261, no. 10
R. Del Arco, "Nuevos restos romanos hallados en Coscojuela de Fantova (Huesca)", Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 75 (1919), 127-142
E. Diehl, Inscriptiones latinae christianae veteres, Berlin 1925, no. 3539
L`Annee epigraphique 1920, no. 4
J. Vives, Inscripciones cristianas de la España romana y visigoda, Barcelona 1942, no. 255
Fotography by Fernando Alvira from the Museo de Huesca.
F. Beltrán Lloris, "Notas sobre las inscripciones latinas de Coscojuela de Fantova (Huesca)", Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonesis 5 (2004), 31-63
K. Bowes, Privat Worship, Public Values, and Religious Change in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2008
M.N. Caballero, "Barb(otum?). Una ciudad romana en el somontano pirenaico", Saldvie: Estudios de prehistoria y arquelogia 1 (2000), 247-272
R. Del Arco, "Nuevos restos romanos hallados en Coscojuela de Fantova (Huesca)", Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 75 (1919), 127-142
D. Fernández-Galiano, Mosaicos romanos del Convento Caesaraugustano, Zaragoza 1987


Family life - Marriage
Burial/Funerary inscription
Relation with - Wife
Further ecclesiastical career - None
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER288,