Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2403
Paschasius, a deacon in Rome, replies to a letter of the presbyter Eugippius concerning the Life of Severinus of Noricum. Written in Rome, AD 511.
Domino sancto semperque carissimo Eugippio presbytero Paschasius diaconus
1. Frater in Christo carissime, dum nos peritiae tuae facundia et otii felicitate perpendens amaritudines occupationesque multiplices peccatorum retractare contemnis, pudoris iacturam dilectionis contemplatione sustineo. 2. Direxisti commemoratorium, cui nihil possit adicere facundia peritorum, et opus, quod ecclesiae possit uniuersitas recensere, breui reserasti compendio, dum beati Seuerini finitimas Pannoniorum prouincias incolentis uitam moresque uerius explicasti et quae per illum diuina uirtus est operata miracula diuturnis mansura temporibus tradidisti memoriae posterorum - nesciunt facta priorum praeterire cum saeculo -, ut omnes praesentem habeant et secum quodam modo sentiant commorari; quibus eum relatio peruexerit lectionis. 3. Et ideo, quia tu haec, quae a me narranda poscebas, elocutus es simplicius, explicasti facilius, nihil adiciendum labori uestro studio nostro credidimus [...]
In what follows, Paschasius discusses how useful providing of the examples of the saints is for the church.
(ed. Régerat 1991: 156, 158)
To the presbyter Eugippius, his holy and ever beloved lord, Paschasius the deacon
1. My beloved brother in Christ, You measure us by your skill in eloquence and by the happiness of your leisure, and shut your eyes to the bitterness of the many pursuits of sinners; in doing so you inflict on me a loss of modesty by your loving contemplation. 2. You have sent me your memorandum. There is nothing that could be added to it by the eloquence of a learned man. You have compressed in a short compass a work worthy to be placed before the whole Church. You have made known truthfully the life and character of blessed Severin, who lived in the provinces bordering on the Pannoniae, and you have handed down to posterity the memory of the miracles which the power of God has worked through him and which will last for all time-the works of the pious cannot perish with their age. You have done this in such a way that all those to whom the reading of your report brings him can see him, as it were, present and, in some way, experience his company. 3. And, therefore, since you have told with greater simplicity, and ex- plained more gracefully than I could do what you ask me to relate, I believe that nothing can be added to your work by our effort.
In what follows, Paschasius discusses how useful providing of the examples of the saints is for the church.
(trans. L. Bieler 1965: 101-02)

Place of event:

  • Rome
  • Italy south of Rome and Sicily
  • Rome
  • Castellum Lucullanum
  • Naples

About the source:

Author: Paschasius of Rome
Title: Epistula ad Eugippium, Ad Eugippium, Paschasii epistola ad Eugippium, Letter to Eugippius
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Paschasius, a deacon from Rome, here replies to the letter sent to him by the presbyter Eugippius, see [2401], [2402]. The reply, like the letter of Eugippius (which says it is two years after the consulate of Inportunus, AD 509), should be dated AD 511.
Paschasius was a deacon in Rome and is known from an anecdote recounted by Gregory the Great in the Dialogues 4.42. According to Gregory, Paschasius was a pious man who had sinned in only one thing, his support of the antipope Laurentius against Symmachus during the schism in 498.
Ph. Régerat (ed.), Eugippe, Vie de saint Séverin, Paris 1991 (Sources Chrétiennes 337)
English translation:
Eugippius, Life of St. Severin, trans. L. Bieler, The Fathers of the Church, Washington D.C. 1965
M. Cappuyns, "Eugippius", Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, vol. 15, Paris 1963, cols. 1376-78


Writing activity - Correspondence
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Reverenced by
Relation with - Deacon
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Writing activity
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2403,