Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2354
Presbyters Argipinus (or Agripinus) and Iulianus sign the document by which Bishop Aquilinus of Narbonne donates villages in the territories of Tierrantona and Barbastro to the monastery of Saint Martin in Asan and its abbot Florentius; dated to 22 February 576.
The document is directed not to the monastery per se or to its abbot, but to its holy patrons: the Apostles Peter and Paul, Martin of Tours, Stephen the First Martyr, whose relics are kept in the monastery. Then in the main part, Bishop Aquilinus says that in obedience to the commandments of the Gospel he decided to make a pious donation out of his "puny propriety" (paupertacula proprietatis meae) for the sake of his soul and remission of sins. He names two farms in the territories of Tierrantona and Barbastro (northern Spain) which he had inherited from his parents. Then follows the corroboration and datation to the eighth day before the Kalends of March [= 22 February] in the reign of King Leovigild.
Aquilinus in Christi nomine episcopus hanc donationem meę cartę relexi et subs- cripsi die et anno quo supra. Frognimius in Christi nomine episcopus subscripsit. Sedatus in Christi nomine episcopus <sub>scripsit. + Tor in Christi nomine Argipinus presbyter subscripsit. Iulianus in Christi nomine presbyter subscripsit. Apodimius 68v notarius scripsit, relegit et subscripsit.
(Tomás-Faci, Martín-Iglesias 2017: 280)
The document is directed not to the monastery per se or to its abbot, but to its holy patrons: the Apostles Peter and Paul, Martin of Tours, Stephen the First Martyr, whose relics are kept in the monastery. Then in the main part, Bishop Aquilinus says that in obedience to the commandments of the Gospel he decided to make a pious donation out of his "puny propriety" (paupertacula proprietatis meae) for the sake of his soul and remission of sins. He names two farms in the territories of Tierrantona and Barbastro (northern Spain) which he had inherited from his parents. Then follows the corroboration and datation to the eighth day before the Kalends of March [= 22 February] in the reign of King Leovigild.
I, Aquilinus bishop in the name of Christ, have reread this document of donation and signed on the same day and year as above. I, Frognimus bishop in the name of Christ, signed. I, Sedatus bishop in the name of Christ, signed. Tor [?] I, in the name of Christ, Argipinus [= Agripinus?] presbyter, sign. I, Iulianus, in the name of Christ, presbyter sign. Apodimus notarius wrote it down, reread and signed.
(trans. M. Szada)


Interestingly, the documents confirm the information of the medieval life of the abbot Victorianus of Asan which mention Bishop Aquilinus (Acta Sanctorumi vol. 1, 741), considered completely unreliable by L. Duchesne (1907: 304n2). Bishop Aquilinus certainly died before 589 because his successor named Migetius was present at the councils of Toledo and Narbonne in 589.
Argipinus (possibly the name should be corrected to Agripinus) and Iulianus were probably presbyters from the cathedral church of Narbonne. Here they play the role of witnesses who corroborate the transaction made by the bishop.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Gaul
  • Asán
  • Narbonne

About the source:

Origin: Asán (Iberian Peninsula), Narbonne (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The document survived in the sixteenth-century copy made by the Spanish Renaissance historian Jerónimo Zurita y Castro, whose papers are now kept in the Colección Salazar y Castro in the Real Academia de la Historia in Madrid. Zurita made the copy during his stay in the monastery of San Victorian de Asan from the texts he had seen in the archives and which did not survive to our times. This document is one of the four recently published by by Guillermo Tomás-Faci and José Carlos Martin-Iglesias (three are known from Zurita's transcripts, one from the 13th-century copy). Despite the late date of the textual witnesses, the scholars provided convincing arguments for the authenticity of the documents and their sixth-century origin: their transmission is similar to that of the donation and testament of Bishop Vincent of Huesca which are considered authentic, there is no good reason for which the monastery would have wanted to falsify exactly those documents in the later centuries (like the territorial claims), there are elements which would be very difficult for a medieval falsifier to know (e.g one of the documents uses the term Osocerdensis, of Osicerda, the locality south to Saragossa, which was well known in Antiquity but almost completely forgotten in the Middle Ages, document 3 is signed by Bishops Fronimus and Sedatus, known to be bishops of Agde and Beziers in the time of the document`s composition (from Gregory of Tours and the councils of Toledo), while usually the falsifiers were clumsy in reconstructing such details, also the form of the documents is consistent with what we known about the Visigothic diplomas and document-making (from the Formulae Visigothicae from the times of Sisebut, Lex Theudis, Vincent of Huesca's donation and testament), finally, Latinity of the text is consistent with the sixth-century dating.
According to the medieval monastic tradition, the monastery was founded by King Gesalic (507-511) in honor of Martin of Tours. That Martin was in fact venerated as the patron of the community is confirmed by two other documents from San Victorian (see ...). Victorianus who is the first known abbot and whose name eventually stuck to the monastery ruled between 522 and 557 (Kampers 1979: 61-62).
G. Tomás-Faci, J.C. Martín-Iglesias, "Cuatro documentos inéditos del monasterio visigodo de San Martín de Asán (522–586) = Four unpublished Documents from Visigothic Monastery of San Martín de Asán (522–586)”, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 52 (2017), 261–85.
L. Duchesne, Fastes épiscopaux de l’ancienne Gaule: Provinces du Sud-Est, v. 1, Paris 1907.


Functions within the Church - Cathedral presbyter
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Writing activity
Legal practice
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2354,