Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2348
Jerome comments on the presbyters and bishops administering penance. Jerome, "Commentary on Ecclesiastes", AD 388.
Ad 12:4
Sequenti autem uersiculo, in eo quod ait: et consurget ad uocem uolucris, siue passeris, utemur in tempore, si quando uiderimus peccatorem ad uocem episcopi uel presbyteri per paenitentiam consurgentem.
(ed. Adriaen 1959)
Ad 12:4
But let us use the following verse, in which he says, "and he rises to the sound of a bird", (or of a sparrow), when we see a sinner who raises to the voice of the bishop or presbyter by penitence.


The passage refers probably to the rite of reconciliation itself, with a penitent raising from his knees to the command of the prebyter or a bishop; it may also refer to the priests' preaching exhorting to penance.

About the source:

Author: Jerome
Title: Commentary on Ecclesiastes, Commentarius in Ecclesiasten
Origin: Bethlehem (East)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Jerome (ca. 347 - 419) wrote his "Commentary on Ecclesiastes" already in Bethlehem, in AD 388.
M. Adriaen ed., S. Hieronymi presbyteri opera, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 72, Turnhout 1959, 249-361.


Ritual activity - Reconciliation/Administering penance
    Equal prerogatives of presbyters and bishops
      Pastoral activity - Preaching
        Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2348,