Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2200
record image
Funerary inscription of the presbyter Maxentius from Serdica, the 5th or 6th century.
Maxen/tius pres/byt(er) hic / sepultus
(following EDCS-29900539)
Presbyter Maxentius is buried here.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Danubian provinces and Illyricum
  • Serdica

About the source:

Origin: Serdica (Danubian provinces and Illyricum)
The inscription on the stone slab (dimensions: 38 cm height, 30 cm width, 7,5 cm depth; letters: 4 cm) was found near the Church of St Sophia in Sofia (Bulgaria), ancient Serdica. It is now kept in the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia.
V. Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien, Berlin 1964, 11, no. 10
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum III, 14207, 26
Trismegistos no. 197674
Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby, no. EDCS-29900539
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg, no. HD042889


Burial/Funerary inscription
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2200,