Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1842
record image
Funerary inscription of an anonymous presbyter, Vienne (Gaul), ca 400/700.
Hic requ[iescit in pace]
bone memo[riae ...],
p(res)b(y)t(er), seru[us Dei?, qui vix]
sit annis [...]
(Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule: XV, 202)
Here lies in peace ... of good memory, presbyter, servant of God, who lived ... years ...
(trans. J. Szafranowski)


The contraction PBT for presbyter is quite rare.

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Vienne

About the source:

Origin: Vienne (Gaul)
This inscription is known from the editions of Allmer and Hirschfeld who both saw it in the museum in Vienne. However, it is now lost. Marble, incomplete on the right and in the base, dimensions (according to Allmer): 12 cm × 14 cm.
The facsimile is from Allmer.
F. Descombes (ed.), Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule, vol. XV, Paris 1985, no. XV, 202.
Trismegistos no. 439098
Epigraphik Datenbank Clauss/Slaby no. EDCS-08501873 (ill.)
O. Hirschfeld (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol. XII, Berlin 1888, 2139.
E. Diehl (ed.), Inscriptiones Latinae christianae veteres, vol. 1, Berlin 1924/1925, no. 1167.
E. Le Blant (ed.), Nouveau recueil d`inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule, Paris 1892, no. 115.
A. Allmer (ed.), Inscriptions antiques et du Moyen Age de Vienne en Dauphiné. Première partie, Inscriptions antiques antérieures au VIIIe siècle, vol. IV, Paris 1876, no. 1918.


Burial/Funerary inscription
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1842,