Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1707
Pope Innocent I writes to Bishop Aurelius of Carthage (North Africa), and asks him to receive benevolently the bearer of the letter, the Presbyter Archidamus. Letter 14 of Pope Innocent I, "Charitatis nostrae officium", Rome, AD 413.
Letter 14
[...] Compresbyterum autem Archidamum quamvis noverim quod libentissime ac more suscipias consueto, tamen ex abundanti postulo, ut eum inter tuos habere digneris.
(ed. Coustant 1845: 518)
Letter 14
[...] Although I know that it is your custom to willingly accept our fellow Presbyter Archidamus, still I do ask that you deem him worthy of being among your [clergy].
(trans. S. Adamiak)


The letter announces the date of Easter for AD 414. If the translation provided is correct, it suggests that Archidamus travelled to Carthage before, and was allowed to perform presbyterial functions there by Aurelius; the current request is just a show of courtesy on the part of Innocent. Another possible translation is: "Although I know that it is your custom to accept willingly [the clergy] coming to you, still I do ask that you deem our fellow Presbyter Archidamus worthy of being among your [clergy]".

Place of event:

  • Rome
  • Latin North Africa
  • Rome
  • Carthage

About the source:

Author: Innocent I
Title: Letters, Epistulae
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Innocent I was the bishop of Rome from AD 401 to 417. Several of his letters, especially to the bishops of Gaul and Spain, are "decretals": authoritative letters containing papal rulings, usually in response to questions raised by the bishops.
P. Coustant ed., S. Innocentii Papae Epistolae et Decreta, Patrologia Latina 20, Paris 1845, 463-608.


Travel and change of residence
Ecclesiastical transfer
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Ecclesiastical envoy
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1707,