Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 143
record image
Funerary inscription of Orbanus, presbyter in Merida (Iberian Peninsula), who died in AD 513/521.
pr(e)s(biter) famulus D(e)i
vixit annos LXXV
menses sex
requievit in
pace d(ie) septimo
idus augustas
era δLV[..]
(ed. Ramírez Sádaba, Mateos Cruz 2000, no. 47)
(ed. Vives 1942: 19, no. 28)
In laurel wreath: Orbanus Presbyter, the servant of God, lived 75 years, six months, rested in peace in 7th day before the Ides of August, in the year 55[?] of the era (=7 August 513/521).
(trans. by M. Szada)


The date on the inscription is given according to the Spanish Era, which began in 38 BC.
Salas Martin proposed to read the presbyter's name as [N]orbanus.

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Merida

About the source:

Origin: Merida (Iberian Peninsula)
Inscription is on a white marble plate 0,55 m (height), 0,52 m (width), 0,03 m (depth) found in Merida (Monsalud 1904: 447). Now in the collection of Museo Arqueológico Nacional no. inv. 57773.
Hispania Epigraphica Online Database, no. 29811
Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania tardoantigua y medieval database, no. 141
E. Diehl, Inscriptiones latinae christianae veteres, Berlin 1925-1931, no. 1177.
 J. Vives, Inscripciones cristianas de la España romana y visigoda, Barcelona 1969, no. 28.
J.L. Ramírez Sádaba, P. Mateos Cruz, Catálogo de las inscripciones cristianas de Mérida (Cuadernos Emeritenses 16), Mérida, 2000.
M.C.  Solano Gálvez de San Pelayo y Villalpando Marqués de Monsalud, "Epigrafía romana y visigótica de Extremadura”, Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 45 (1904), 445-448.
D. Claude, "Prosopographie des spanischen Suebenreiches", Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte 6 (1978), 664, no. 56.
J. Salas Martín, J. Esteban Ortega, La colonia Norba Caesarina y la gens norbana en Hispania, Universidad de Extremadura. p. 125.


Burial/Funerary inscription
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER143,