Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1411
Ten presbyters and two abbots sign the acts of the Fifth Council of Orléans (Gaul, AD 549) on behalf of their absent bishops.
Preceding are the signatures of seven metropolitans and forty-two other bishops.
Marinus presbyter directus a domno meo Antonino episcopo ecclesiae Auennicae subscripsi.
Aetius presbyter directus a domno meo Magno episcopo ecclesiae Cemelensis et Nicaensis subscripsi.
Signature of one archdeacon.
Vincentius presbyter directus a domno meo Lucritio episcopo ecclesiae Deinsis subscripsi.
Tranquillus presbyter directus a domno meo Pappulo episcopo ecclesiae Genauensis subscripsi.
Theudorus presbyter directus a domno meo Leucadio episcopo ecclesiae Baiocensis subscripsi.
Signature of one deacon.
Epyfanius presbyter directus a domno meo Expectato episcopo ecclesiae Foroiuliensis subscripsi.
Signature of one deacon.
Optatus abbas directus a domno meo Praetextato episcopo ecclesiae Cabellicae subscripsi.
Petrus presbyter directus a domno meo Vindemiale episcopo ecclesiae Arausicae subscripsi.
Signature of one deacon.
Vitalis presbyter directus a domno meo Agrescio episcopo ecclesiae Toronnicae subscripsi.
Vincentius presbyter directus a domno meo Leontio episco po ecclesiae Burdigalensis subscripsi.
Agecius presbyter directus a domno meo Auolo episcopo ecclesiae Segestericae subscripsi.
Signature of one archdeacon.
Sapaudus abbas directus a domno meo Albino episcopo ecclesiae Andicauensis subscripsi.
(ed. de Clercq 1963: 160-161)
Preceding are the signatures of forty-two bishops.
I, Presbyter Marinus, directed by my Lord Antoninus, bishop of the Church of Avignon, have signed.
I, Presbyter Aetius, directed by my Lord Magnus, bishop of the Church of Cimiez and Nice, have signed.
Signature of one archdeacon.
I, Presbyter Vincentius, directed by my Lord Lucritius, bishop of the Church of Die, have signed.
I, Presbyter Tranquillus, directed by my Lord Pappolus, bishop of the Church of Genève, have signed.
I, Presbyter Theudorus, directed by my Lord Leucadius, bishop of the Church of Bayeux, have signed.
Signature of one deacon.
I, Presbyter Epyfanius, directed by my Lord Expectatus, bishop of the Church of Fréjus, have signed.
Signature of one deacon.
I, Abbot Optatus, directed by my Lord Praetextatus, bishop of the Church of Cavaillon, have signed.
I, Presbyter Peter, directed by my Lord Vindimialis, bishop of the Church of Orange, have signed.
Signature of one deacon.
I, Presbyter Vitalis, directed by my Lord Agrescius, bishop of the Church of Tournai, have signed.
I, Presbyter Vincentius, directed by my Lord Leontius, bishop of the Church of Bordeaux, have signed.
I, Presbyter Agecius, directed by my Lord Avolus, bishop of the Church of Sisteron, have signed.
Signature of five archdeacons.
I, Abbot Sapaudus, directed by my Lord Albinus, bishop of the Church of Angers, have signed.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)


It is quite possible that Optatus and Sapaudus, who signed the acts as abbots, were presbyters. See discussion in [810] and [1380].

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Orléans
  • Genève
  • Fréjus
  • Avignon
  • Nice
  • Die
  • Bayeux
  • Cavaillon
  • Orange
  • Tournai
  • Bordeaux
  • Angers
  • Sisteron

About the source:

Title: The Fifth Council of Orléans, Concilium Aurelianense anno 549
Origin: Orléans (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
This council, which gathered on 28 October 549 in Orléans, was the biggest council of 6th century Frankish Gaul. Seven metropolitans attended (of Lyon, Arles, Vienne, Trier, Bourges, Eauze, and Sens), and two more sent their delegates: a presbyter came from Bordeaux and an archdeacon from Reims. Apart from them forty-two other bishops took part in the synod, and, representing their bishops, nine presbyters, five archdeacons, three deacons, and two abbots. The bishops were originally called by Childebert I of Paris to judge Marcus, archbishop of Orléans. He was acquitted, but himself did not sign the acts.
C. de Clercq ed., Concilia Galliae a. 511-a. 695, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148 A, Turnhout 1963.
J. Gaudemet, B. Basdevant, Les canons des conciles mérovingiens VIe-VIIe siècles, Sources chrétiennes 353, Paris 1989.


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