Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1392
Presbyter Honoratus of Arles practices asceticism and visits the sick when he is an abbot of the monastery of Lérins. Account of Hilary of Arles, "Sermon on the Life of St. Honoratus", Arles (Gaul), ca AD 431.
While Presbyter Honoratus is the abbot of Lérins:
3. Fortissimos quoque et recenti adhuc conuersatione praeualidos in ieiuniis uigiliisque impar uiribus pari lege comitatus est. Infirmor ipse infirmior uisitauit.
(ed. Valentin 1977: 120-122, summarized by J. Szafranowski)
While Presbyter Honoratus is the abbot of Lérins:
3. He joined the strongest and those who were most vigorous because of their still recent entry into this life on an equal footing in their fasts and watches, although he was of unequal strength. He visited the infirm, himself more infirm.
(trans. Deferrari 1952: 377, summarized by J. Szafranowski)



Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Lérins

About the source:

Author: Hilary of Arles
Title: Life of St. Honoratus of Arles, Vita Sancti Honorati Arelatensis, Sermon on the Life of St. Honoratus, Sermo sancti Hilarii de vita sancti Honorati, Sermo de vita sancti Hilarii Arelatensis episcopi
Origin: Arles (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Sermon on the Life of St. Honoratus was presented by Hilary of Arles at the first (most probably) anniversary of Honoratus` death. Honoratus died in 430 just two years after having been made the bishop of Arles. His successor was Hilary himself, his fellow countryman and pupil, who accompanied Honoratus when he left the monastery on the island of Lérins (of which Honoratus was founder and first abbot) for his new episcopal position in Arles. After some time, Hilary returned to the monastery only to venture back to Arles, when he was chosen by the dying Honoratus as his worthy successor in the bishopric.
M.–D. Valentin ed., Hilaire d’Arles, Vie de Saint Honorat, Sources Chrétiennes 235, Paris 1977 (along with a French tranlsation).
St. Hilary, Sermon on the Life of St. Honoratus, transl. R. J. Deferrari [in:] Early Christian Biographies, ed. R. J. Deferrari, The Fathers of the Church v. 15, Washington, D. C. 1952.


Monastic or common life - Monastic superior (abbot/prior)
Devotion - Ascetic practice
Pastoral activity - Visiting the sick
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1392,