Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 139
Canon 1 of the Council of Tarragona (Iberian Peninsula) in AD 516 forbids clerics to visit even women from their families without witnesses.
Canon 1
Vt etiam ad proximas sanguinis clerici cum testiomonio uadant.
De his quibus cura pro parentelae proximitate habere permittitur, ut ea cautela earum necessitates sustentent ut pietatis beneficia, quae eis sunt necessaria, a longius praebeant, ipsi uero, pro uisendis eis cum ingressi fuerint, celeri salutatione recurrant nec inibi faciant mansionem; qui tamen, cum ad earum uisitationem pergunt, testem solacii sui fide et aetate probatum adhibeant secum. Si quis haec a nobis statuta contempserit, si clericus est, loci sui dignitate priuetur, sin uero religiosus uel monachus, in cella monasterii reclusus paenitentiae lamentis incumbat, ubi singulari afflictione panis et aquae uictum ex abbatis ordinatione percipiat.
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 1984: 272-273)
Canon 1
That clerics even to women closely related to them shall go with witnesses
It is permited to those who look after their close relatives to provide them with care for their needs, so that they give necessary and pious help from a distance. If they go to see them they shall leave after a short visit and shall not stay for the night. Those who are visiting their relatives to help them shall take with them a witness esteemed because of his faith and age. If someone being a cleric ignores our orders, he shall be deprived of the dignity of his office. And if he is a monk, he shall do penance closed in a cell of the monastery, where he shall take by the command of an abbot no other sustenance than bread and water for a special affliction.
(trans. M. Szada)



Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Tarragona

About the source:

Title: Council of Tarragona, Concilium Tarraconense
Origin: Tarragona (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
In 516 the provincial council was held in Tarragona which at the time was ruled by the Ostrogothic king Theodoric (he acted as a guardian for the king of Spain Amalaric). The anomalous presence of three bishops is worth noting - Hector of Cartagena, Vincentius of Saragossa and Orontius of Illiberis. Their episcopal sees were outside the province of Tarragona.
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez, eds., La colección canónica Hispana, v. 4 Concilios Galos. Concilios Hispanos: primera parte, Madrid 1984.
J. Vives, Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos, Barcelona-Madrid 1963.


Described by a title - Clericus
    Public law - Ecclesiastical
      Relation with - Other relative
        Relation with - Woman
          Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER139,