Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1032
Presbyters Refrigerius and Gallus converse about a miracle of Martin of Tours with Romulus, son of the prefect Auspicius. Account in the "Dialogues" by Sulpicius Severus, writing in Primuliacum (Gaul), ca AD 406.
Dialogue 3.7.5
Gallus, main protagonis of the Dialogues, says:
Et tamen tu, Refrigeri presbyter, credo, meministi, nuper nobis super hoc cum Romulo Auspicii illius filio, honorato et religioso uiro, fuisse sermonem.
(ed. Fontaine 2006: 314-316)
Dialogue 3.7.5
Gallus, main protagonis of the Dialogues, says:
And I am sure that you also, presbyter Refrigerius, remember a conversation that was held among us recently about this event, together with Romulus, the honorable and pious son of the same [prefect from the area of Seine] Auspicius.
(trans. Goodrich 2015: 237, changed by J. Szafranowski)

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • East
  • Primuliacum

About the source:

Author: Sulpicius Severus
Title: Dialogues, Dialogi, Gallus sive dialogi de virtutibus sancti Martini, Dialogorum libri II
Origin: Primuliacum (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Sulpicius Severus` hagiographical corpus concerning Martin of Tours cosists of the Life itself, three letters, and three Dialogues. The Dialogues were composed between the year 400 (the year of Origenist controversy, to which Sulpicius makes a reference), and the year 410-412 when Jerome`s Commentary on Ezekiel was published, in which Jerome mentions the Dialogues. Stancliffe (Stancliffe 1983: 81) suggests that the Dialogues were composed between 404 and 406, judging by the comment of one of the interlocutors that eight years have passed since Martin`s death (in 397) and no allusion to the barbarian invasions of Gaul in 406-407. The work was likely published in two separate volumes, with volume 1 containing the first and second Dialogue and volume 2 the third and last one. It can be proven by both early mansuscript tradition and the account of Gennadius (see [670]).
Sulpicius Severus, Gallus: dialogues sur les “vertus” de Saint Martin, ed. and transl. J. Fontaine, Sources Chrétiennes 510, Paris 2006.
Sulpicius Severus, The Complete Works, transl. R.J. Goodrich, Ancient Christian Writers 70, New York 2015.
C. Stancliffe, St. Martin and his hagiographer: history and miracle in Sulpicius Severus, Oxford 1983.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Relation with - Another presbyter
Relation with - Noble
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1032,