Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
PR 428

Adeodatus, presbyter at Rome, late 5th c.

Reference to prosopography: PCBE Italie 1: Adeodatus 7, 8

Chronological and
geographical framework:

Attested presbyterial activity: 495 - 499 in Rome (Rome),


We assume that the presbyter Adeodatus [428] present at the council of 495 AD [661] is identical with the presbyter Adeodatus present at the council of 499 AD [662], although PCBE gives them separate entries ('Adeodatus' 7 and 8). He is also by all probability identical with one of the Adeodatuses [429] or [430] present at the council of 502 AD [663].


Writing activity - Correspondence
Family life - Offspring
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Relation with - Secular authority
Relation with - Noble
Relation with - Woman
Education - Theological interest
Devotion - Reading the Bible and devotional literature
Devotion - Private devotional practice
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, PR428,