DRAFT: Cyril of Alexandria sends original acts of the council of Nicaea to Carthage by presbyter Innocent. 418/419.
Intended for scholary use. For credentials see Bibliography
Vnde, domini honorabiles fratres, salute praeeunte, necesse habui per harum latorem filium nostrum Innocentium presbyterum fidelissima exemplaria ex authentica synodo in Nicaea ciuitate Bythiniae habita uestrae caritati dirigere.
[ed. Munier 1974: 162]
Therefore, most honourable lords brothers, for the good's sake, I found it necessary to send to your charities by our son, presbyter Innocent, most faithful copies of the original council whicch took place in Nicaea in Bithynia.
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S. Adamiak, Presbyters
in the Late Antique West, ER279, http://presbytersproject.ihuw.pl/index.php?id=6&SourceID=279
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