Letter 38
Cyprian to the presbyters and deacons, and to the whole people, greeting.
I,1. In ordinations of the clergy, beloved brethren, we usually consult you beforehand, and weigh the character and merits of individuals, with the general advice. But human testimonies must not be waited for when the divine approval precedes. [...]
Cyprian informs that he ordained a young confessor, Aurelius, a reader.
II,1. Such a one, to be estimated not by his years but by his deserts, merited higher degrees of clerical ordination and larger increase. But, in the meantime, I judged it well, that he should begin with the office of reading; because nothing is more suitable for the voice which has confessed the Lord in a glorious utterance, than to sound Him forth in the solemn repetition of the divine lessons [...].